15. Love's Fool

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It had been six sunsets since the King and Queen had opened up to one another on the floor of the royal study. It had also been six sunsets since she'd seen the King. According to Amalie, he'd carried the Queen back into bed that evening after she'd succumbed to the exhaustion of her ill body.  The very same night he'd left the castle with two dozen of his men.

Viola sighed deeply as she looked at herself in the mirror, trying her best to untangle her hair with a brush.

He'd left Amalie with a message for Viola once she woke back up, saying that he'd try his best to return soon but his duties called him away from her.

Viola leaned forward to get a better look at herself. The bags under her eyes had faded over the past few days but the weight she'd lost made her cheekbones more prominent than before.

After what he'd said about not leaving her side she was sure that he had only left if it was truly important but she had no information as to where he went and why. Even so, it saddened her that he'd gone away.

With Amelie's kind help the past few days she'd gotten better much faster. While she'd still been bedridden Amalie had read books to her for hours on end. And once the Queen had regained her strength she'd been keeping busy in her chambers, and taking walks around the castle. For whatever reason she had not been allowed into the castle gardens by Sir Malik. Even Amelie had always tried to stir Viola away from the direction of the gardens subtly, so instead Viola had begun helping out in the kitchen.
She'd helped prepare her own meals, cutting vegetables, boiling water, kneading dough and so forth.

At first, the cooks and maids of the kitchen were extremely uncomfortable being in the presence of the Queen, but after a day she'd started making conversation with them, praising their good work in the kitchen and letting them explain their recipes to her. Viola realized that none of the cooks and maids in the kitchen had worked there while her father was still alive. She was sure that Archer had them all replaced to avoid any attempts to poison the King.

Viola continued to fight the knots in her hair contemplating wether to go to the kitchen with Amelie again today.

"Your Highness!" Amelie peeked her head through the royal chambers door, with a big smile on her lips.

"The King and his men have been spotted from the watchtower! He'll be here any moment."
Viola jumped up from her chair in front of the mirror, as she couldn't help but smile. She began frantically trying to brush her hair out with little to no success. She chuckled, "Oh, whatever," placing the brush back on the table before hurrying out of the chambers past Amelie.

"Let's go!" Viola smiled, lifting the sides of her dress as she began sprinting down the castle halls.

"Christ, wait for me," Amelie laughed before hurrying after her Queen.

The thought of seeing the King again made Viola pick up her pace. She couldn't explain why having him around again would cause her so much joy but it did. She'd not even realized how much she'd missed him until this very moment. 

Viola turned a corner sprinting past Sir Malik who was making his way to greet the King with a couple of guards. He shortly made eye contact with Viola as she hurried past him, and then watched Amelie follow the Queen only a few steps behind.

It took him a moment to realize the fact that the Queen was literally running around the castle, "What the hell?!" He shouted but the two women had already been long gone.

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