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We had been teleported to a park, I was a little confused until I saw that Dream had sag down on a bench behind us and had a piece of bread in hand.

I had sat next to him, I wanted to start up a conversation with him but he just looked...well, sad.

He had started picking off pieces of the bread as birds came towards us,  I watched as he flicked bread crumbs onto the ground for them.

"What happened." His low voice said to me as he side eyed me. I had looked his way before looking towards the birds.

"Uhm, well the last thing I can remember is the coughing...I started coughing once you had left and just felt tired. Like I hadn't been asleep for a month... thats all I remember." I said in a quiet tone as my shoulders had sunk.

"What do you mean? I thought I fixed your coughing when I had come and taken you to The Dreaming that night." Dream had said as he flicked a couple more pieces of bread at the birds.

"Like the coughing, the coughing that happened that night before you had come." I said as I looked at him.

"Hm." Dream hummed as he now didn't look that sad anymore, but he looked like he was thinking pretty hard.

It wasn't until a ball had come towards our heads, had Dream snapped out of it.

"Heads up!" a man yelled as a ball came flying towards my head. I panicked and raise my hands up to my face waiting to feel the ball hit my hands but I never felt anything. Opening my eyes I saw Dream had his hand in front of my face, it was holding the ball.

"Sorry, miss. And sorry man. Nice catch, though." Said as man as he walked up to us. Dream looked up at him and handed him the ball before going back to looking at the pigeons.

"Thank you." Said the man as he held the ball, starting to walk away, but not without giving Dream and I a weird look.

As the man walked away, I saw a woman in a black tank top and black jeans walking towards us. She smiled at the man as she passed him. The man had stopped for a moment,  turning around and looking at the lady in the black tank top before being snapped out of it by what I assumed was his friend calling him.

The lady had sat down next to me, now making me trapped between Dream and her. She had looked at me with a smile before looking at Dream with a smile.

I could tell she knew Dream because, well, she's the first person to come up to us and she's wearing different clothes than everyone else, not that its bad.

I just let them talk as I watched kids play. Oh how I wish I was a kid again to be able to play with them without being labeled a weirdo or worse. A pedophile.

I felt the lady next to me move into a different position, she laid her arm on the back of the bench while crossing her legs and leaning towards the corner of the bench.

I went back to watching the kids play as I moved a bit for her to get comfortable. I smiled at her before looking forward again.

It wasn't until the lady hd put her hand on Dreams leg did I pay attention to what their conversing about.

"You could have called me you know." Said the lady as she looked at dream.

"I didn't want to worry you." Dream responded as he looked at her. I kinda just sunk into the bench and watched. I felt like a third wheel.

"Oh, I don't believe it." The lady said before standing up and grabbing the bread Dream had, away from him. Standing in front of him, well him and me.

"Let me tell you something, Dream. And I'm only gonna say this once, so you better pay attention. You are utterly the stupidest, most self-centered, pathetic excuse for an anthropomorphic personification on this or any other plane. Feeling sorry for yourself because your little game is over and you haven't got the balls to go out and find a new one. You're as bad as Desire. No worse." The lady had said, or I guess his sibling had said, before tossing the bread at him. I almost giggled because she was right about him, plus the way he had caught the bread.

"Did it never occur to you that I would be worried about you?"

"I didn't think you—"

"Exactly. You didn't think." Said the lady.

"Heads up!" Said a man from afar as a ball came towards the ladies head, only for her to catch it.

"Wow, your almost as good as your...friend, there" said the man from earlier as he came running before stopping and grabbing the ball from the lady.

"He's not my friend. He's my brother. And he's an idiot." Said Dreams sibling. I was right.

"I'm just feeding the birds." Said Dream as he went back to flicking crumbs at the ground.

I just sighed, knowing this wasn't going anywhere, I got up and started walking towards the children.

I could feel Dreams and the lady's eyes on me as I walked away from them.

I heard Dreams low tone call out to me, but I just ignored it. I then heard laughing behind me, most likely from the lady.

I reached the little children who were playing with toys. Crouching down beside a small blonde boy, who looked to be 4 or 5.

"May I play with you?" I asked politely as I smiled at him.

"Yeah sure miss! Tag!" He yelled before running away. From me. I started laughing as I started chasing after him. I only stopped for a moment when I saw a familiar beige suit in a crowd crossing the street far from where the park was. I shook my head and looked back, only to see that the beige suit was nowhere to be seen. I shrugged it off and chased after the child again.

Once I had tagged him, his mother had called for him. Most likely getting ready for them to leave. I sighed knowing that I probably wasn't gonna be able to play like that again, since well, I'm 21 now.

I jumped though once I heard Dreams voice behind me.

"Y/N, cmon were going with my sister for the day." He said as I turned around to face him.

I saw the lady next to him, she had a smile on her face. I think this will be fun. I smiled and walked over to him and her.

"Alright then, lets go." I said.

We ended up walking away from the park and towards some place that was packed with what I assumed were tourists. Maybe it will be fun.
Sorry I have not been updating much, school is right around the corner and I have to finish a math course that I was set up with for the summer TvT. I might not be able to update every day, it might take 2-3 days for me to update, depends on my schedule.

Btw, we just hit 14k views!!!!! WOOOOOOOOO, somebody get the wineeeeeeeeeee, we must celabrate!

(Bonus skit)

Me: **Draws girls with curves, cause why not**
Sister: why do you keep drawing girls with big butts and chests?
Me: why not? It's my art.
Sister: well what if somebody else looks at it?
Me: well then, I sure fucking hope nobody looks at it if their gonna be a Karen about it.

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