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They grabbed me on both arms and put a bag over my head. I didn't see anything. They threw me into a truck. We drove for almost 4 hours. When they opened the truck to get me out. I heard other people talk. I didn't try to scream for help because it would be useless, they would just pretend everything was alright and probably say that I'm crazy. They removed the bag from my head. When my eyes got used to the brightness, I realised that I'm at an airport.

"Komm schon mach keine Umstände." Come on don't do anything stupid.

"Beweg dich und verhalt dich normal" Move and behave normally.

These were the only sentences these people said to me. We got on a plane. During the flight I found out that we were flying to Vienna. But this was not a normal flight, because no normal airline would fly into a warzone.

When we landed a nice lady greeted me. She brought me into a car. She gave me a bottle of water. And told me I should put my coat off. I realised I still have the box with Buckys pictures, the watch and the drawing in my coat. I said to the woman I couldn't.

"You have to take it off sooner or later anyways."

"I want to take it off later then."

"Okay. Do you have something in your coat?"

"Yes... a small box. It's important to me please don't take it from me."

"I'll see what I can do but for now hand me the box. I'll take care of it."

I gave her the box. I just trusted her.

"I'm y/n by the way."

"Hello, y/n I'm Mrs. Clarks but you can call me Sally."

"Hi, Sally. Do you know where we are going?"

"We are going somewhere where they will decide if you can do it or not."

"Who are "they"? And what am I supposed to do?"

"You are at HYDRA. And you are now chosen to be an experiment."

"What kind of experiment?"

"I don't know."

After a three hours ride. I realised we are in Kreischberg in Styria. I recognised it from my past. I went skiing there with my school.

Sally got out of the car so did I. We walked through the forest before we reached a building. The building was big when I say big, I mean big. It was sort of built into the mountain. Sally and I went through a small door next to a big one. I was still scared to death but I had Sally she was comforting me a bit.

It felt like we walked through a million hallways. Everything was painted in dark grey and some pipes were showing. I felt uncomfortable again. When we reached a room with some showers and a man who looked like a doctor. He wore a white coat this kind of coat you wear when you work in a laboratory.

"Hallo Fräulein y/l/n bitte setzen Sie sich und beantworten Sie folgende Fragen." Hello Miss y/l/n please sit down and answer following questions.

"In Ordung." Okay I'll do that.

"Was haben Sie als Letztes gegessen und Wann?" What was the last thing you have eaten and when was that?

"Das war ein Sandwich mit Butter und dann noch zwei Stücke Schokolade. Das war glaube ich gestern so gegen 13 Uhr Nachmittag." I ate a sandwich with butter and two pieces of chocolate. That was about at 1pm yesterday.

"Wie groß sind Sie? Wieviel wiegen Sie?" How tall are you and how much do you weight?

"Ich bin 1m und 63cm groß und wiege 55kg." I'm about 5/3 feet tall and I weigh 121 pounds.

"Machen Sie sportliche Aktivitäten?" Do you do sports?

"Ich habe Geräteturnen für 9 Jahre gemacht und getanzt." I did gymnastics for 9 years and I did dancing.

"Dankeschön Sie können sich jetzt auskleiden, legen Sie sich dann bitte auf die Liege hier." Thank you. You can undress yourself now. After you undressed you can lie down at the examination bed.

"Auskleiden? Bis wohin?" Getting undressed? How much should I undress?

"Auf Ihre Unterkleider bitte." Up to your underwear, please.

I got undressed. I was so uncomfortable again. The doctor said nothing and he started looking at me.

"Umdrehen." turn around

I turned around and he said that I was perfect for their project.

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