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I did what the last wish of Bucky was. So, I tried to escape. I packed a bag with all my things: my training shirt and pants, the box with Buckys stuff and my night gown. I wore the skirt and blouse from my first mission.

I opened my door silently and walked down the hallway as I was about to go on a mission. The keys to the cars were always laying on the counter at the entrance. I just picked one of them and then I walked to the cars hoping one would make a sound. But my keys didn't have a button to press. Then I realised it was the one old timer we had. I opened the trunk of the old VW Beatle and put my bag into it. Then I sat on the driver seat and started the engine. I drove for 6 to 7 hours through forests and small towns. After two days of diving, I finally reached Vienna which was my plan. I drove to the Vienna airport. I luckily found some narcotic in the glove compartment.

I stunned a stewardess and dragged her into a storeroom. Took her clothes off and put them on, I searched through her suitcase and dressed her. Then I put her arm around her shoulder and dragged her out of the storeroom and screamed for help. Lots of people reacted and called an ambulance. So, I got on a flight to New York without any more distractions.

After we landed, I stole some money from people on the airport because no one would think about this while being on a safe place like an airport. So, it was pretty easy with that money I rented a motel room in Queens. I stole some more money to buy me new clothes and to pay the rent in the motel. After a while I noticed a guy in a red jumper swing around Queens catching thieves and other petty criminals.

The other day he caught me stealing from an old man. He punched me but I did also punch him back, suddenly he said:

"Woah you are strong. For a woman, I mean women also can be strong."

"It's alright mate."

"You are British. That's so cool."

"Thank you. It has been a while since someone said this to me."

"Hey, do you like need help. Do you want to come with me and amhh maybe drink something?"

"Thank you, buddy. I would love to come with you and have a tea or maybe just water."

"Cool. I live right around that corner."

He started walking.

"Didn't you forget something?" I said smiling.

He looked down and said:

"Oh, I'm still wearing my suit."

He changed and we started walking to his home.

"Where are you from?"

"I'm from a small town in England."

"Sorry I didn't ask for your name."

"That's okay. My name is y/n."

"My name is Peter, Peter Parker, but you can call me Peter."

"Okay Peter. You can call me y/n."

He laughed a bit.

"There we are. Home sweet home."



"That's a song Home Sweet Alabama."

"I'll look it up."

"You don't have to."

Peter opened the door to his flat. A female voice asked how his day was. I looked at him.

"Oh yes, y/n that's May my aunt and May that's y/n my..."

"German teacher." I answered

"German? Miss y/n, I didn't know that Peter had German lessons."

"Please that's my first name just call me y/n."

Peter gave me a glass of water and I took a slip out of it.

"Peter, would you mind if you would go into your room and let me talk to your German teacher."

"Okay.", Peter said and walked to his room.

"What did Peter do?" May asked me.

"He did nothing. I just wanted to let you know that he is so good in German."

"That's great. Awesome. Finally, some good news."

"Good, I have to go now anyway. Have a nice day."

"Have a nice day too."

I got out of the flat and wanted to walk back to the motel but I didn't. I walked towards the other direction. At some point I stood in front of a High School I went inside. I took a look around. Suddenly someone tapped on my shoulder.

"Excuse me mam, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here for... the... job interview."

"The job interview?"

He looked at me with arrogance and suspicion. Then he said to me:

"Follow me."

I followed him he opened the door to the principal and told me to sit down. The principal looked at me.

"Hello I'm Mr. Harrington and you are?"

"I'm Miss y/n y/l/n."

"What kind of teacher are you?"

"I teach German."

"Do you have any references with you?"

"No, I-I got robbed. I mean my bag was stolen."

"Not rare here in Queens. Where did you teach before?"

"In Austria and in London."

"Which schools?"

"In the London high and in a grammar school in the Austrian countryside."

"Whatever...  you are hired. Your first lesson is tomorrow at 10 am, in room A 1.14. You can leave now."

"Wha- thank you so much."


Finally, a job and I have a friend too, I think. The next morning, I woke and was so happy I finally had the life I wanted. Sort of it. I got dressed, took the picture of Bucky and put it into my handbag. When I arrived at the school there were so many students. I searched my room and when I stepped in the room, I saw Peter. I waved at him the other students looked at him and started whistling.

"That's enough. Everybody sit down and be quite!"

Everybody sat down and was quiet. They didn't expect that from a woman.

"Well, today kids we are going to learn something about German."

"Obviously, we are in German class my highness." Joked somebody from the backrows.

"Who was this?"

"Flash..." Peter whispered.

"Flash stand up and get your ass over here."

A weak guy stood up; he was looking down. He stumbled towards me.

"Y-y-yes mam."

"That would be Miss y/l/n. Come on isn't that a shame such a confident little boy, but suddenly he is so shy. Why are you shy now?"

"B-b-because... I don't know."

"Class, he doesn't know. Should we help him. Wait here for a second."

I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down: Das Eichhöhrnchen, aus Schleswig-Holstein, hat eine Streichholzschachtel geklaut. Zum Glück hatte er Freundschaftsbeziehungen nach Tschechien und brachte das Diebesgut und die zwanzig Quietscheentchen nach Tschechien.

He read: "Dahs Eischhohrnschen, aus S schleswigh Hols tein, hat aine S treschhohlssacktete gscheKlahut. Sum Gluck hate ear. I can't do this Miss y/l/n."

"Okay, Flash sit down but have you learned your lesson?"

"Yes, mam."

"Good, the sentence means: The squirrel, from Schleswig-Holstein, has stolen a matchbox. Fortunately, he had friendly relations with the Czech Republic and brought the stolen goods and the twenty squeaky ducks to the Czech Republic. Pretty useless ha?"

"You are so right." Peter said smiling 

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