I hate him...

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"That was a nice workout, welp I should get go-"
"Oh, hey trophy!"
Great. There's cheesy. Ughhh, he's so annoying.
"What do you want?"
"What, am I not allowed to greet a friend anymore? Jeez... Or should I say CHEESE, ha!"
He slaps his knee
"Don't you dare consider me a friend, dumbass"
"Well damn, I was just joking around, why do you seem so feta-p!"
He slaps his knee again
"I mean, you did hear me just now, didn't you?"
"Goodbye cheesy"
"Oh, bye trophy!"
He waves me an excited goodbye
"That went on for longer than it had to, I should've just punched him and be done with it"
I walk over to my room to see my camera laying on my bed
"I guess I could go take some pictures outside"
I walk down the stairs and then outside, I start taking pictures, when suddenly I hear HIM again
"Hey trophy! Wasn't expecting to see you again"
"You again?? When will you leave me alone"
"C'mon, I'm not THAT bad"
"Yes, yes you are"
His smile quickly faded, he seemed genuinely upset about that, serves him right for invading my spacr
"I guess I'll go then"
"Finally, bye loser"
He seemed even more upset than before
I should stop focusing on that twerp

It's getting late, I took quite some photos, I should head back now
I see knife sitting with pickle on the way
I enter my room and flop into bed
God, who knew talking to cheesy could be so exhausting
I was so tired, but for some reason I just couldn't fall asleep
For some reason I just kept thinking about... Him...
Why was cheesy of all people the one on my mind?
I hate him, he's so annoying, but for some reason...
No, get those thoughts out of your head trophy, you hate him and that's that
I hate him...
And yet I can feel my face heating up each time I think of his stupid face
It's because I hate him, nothing else trophy
Nothing else...

well wasn't that cheesy? (a trophy x cheesy fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now