that cheesy twerp!

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I don't even know how much time has past, I should be sleeping, but I was up the whole night thinking about cheesy, why was I thinking about him? I hate him so much.
And there goes my alarm, I can't believe it's morning already, has it really been that long?
I walked out into the hallway, still half asleep, not being able to pay attention I crash into... Cheesy...
"Ow!" He yells
"Watch where you're going dumbass!"
"Hey, that's not a very warm welcome!"
"It wasn't supposed to be"
"Geez.. not in a very GOUDA mood I see! Ha!"
He slaps his stupid knee once again, just like always
"Yea, thanks to your dumb face"
"Love you too!"
(Oh no, I can feel my face heating up, what's happening, no, NO!)
I try to cover my face, but I assume I failed, because I could hear him laughing
"Flustered much?"
I say as I push him aside and run back to my room
What just happened?
I should probably sleep, that cheesy twerp, I can't be thinking these things, I wouldn't



well wasn't that cheesy? (a trophy x cheesy fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now