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Me and cheesy where out for a walk in a forest nearby
It felt nice being far away from everyone
We didn't need to hide anything like this, we could just be ourselves
We could kiss, and hold hands, and I could say whatever I wanted to him, without being scared it might reveal our secret
"Cheesy, I love you"
He pulled me down for a kiss, leaving me kinda flustered
"I know you do"
He said, winking at me
I could feel my face heating up again
I was still embarrassed about it, but i didn't have to hide it anymore
"Aww, you're blushing, hehe"
He said teasingly
"You really should, you blush too easily"
"Don't worry, i think it's cute!"
My face was probably completely red by now
"Yep, and just so you know, you're a terrible actor"
"Well it's not my fault you had to be so damn cute"
I mumbled to myself
Welp, now we were both blushing
But i was glad we were there
There.. together

"Wouldn't it be funny if I passed out again"
"Hehe, yeah.."
We continued walking for a bit before I passed out again

I woke up to cheesy standing over me with a worried look on his face
"That's it, we're going back to the hotel"
He grabbed my hand and started dragging me to the hotel, but let go the second we saw the hotel, in case someone saw
He lead me to my room, as i got into bed he asked if he could stay
He got into bed with me
We cuddled for a bit, we were about to kiss, but right as our lips met...
Tissues walked in
I quickly tried to hide cheesy under my blanket, but i was probably too late
"Who was that?" Achoo
"N-no one! Y-you're probably just, uh, seeing things! Cause of your condishawn!"
"No, I swear I saw someone kissing you just now!"
"N-no you didn't, no one's here, hahaha.."
"What's that then!"

He walked over to my bed and lifted my blanket to reveal cheesy..
Tissues: "See! I knew it!"
Trophy: "N-no!"
Tissues: "Wait, cheesy?! I wasn't expecting that one"
Cheesy: "What do you mean? I am a ghoooooost"
Tissues: "Wait.. that means.. YOU'RE GA-"

I put my hand on his lips before he could finish

Trophy: "shh sh sh sh shhhhhh, fine! Yes! I'm gay, happy? But please don't tell anyone, I beg you!"
Tissues: "alright"
Trophy: "wait, was that really that easy?"
Cheesy: "hey, don't give him any ideas, he might ask for stuff"
He whispered
Trophy: "right, uh, thanks tissues.."
Tissues: "whatever, I'm just gonna sleep, I'm tired"

He went to bed and quickly fell asleep

"This whole secret thing didn't last very long"
"Hey! Don't say that! The others still don't know, besides, I dont think they'd suspect someone like you dating someone like me, they probably don't even know you're gay! And now we don't have to worry about hiding it from tissues anymore! That would've been hard, especially since you guys, y'know, share a room"
"I guess you're right.. yawn"
I said tiredly, before falling asleep in cheesy's arms
"I love you trophy, goodnight.."

A/N: sorry it took a while, i kinda forgot about this, I've also been really busy with school and stuff, anyways, have this, thanks to San0junior  for the idea for this chapter! And again, sorry if it's bad, I write most of these at night

well wasn't that cheesy? (a trophy x cheesy fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now