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Me and cheesy were sitting on the couch in silence
We didn't really know what to say, what if me accidentally said something hinting towards us
And what if someone then found out
I was slightly panicking about the fact that they might know before Cheesy spoke up

"Hey, could you come with me for a sec"

We walked outside where no one else was

"Soo, why did you bring me here?"
"I wanted to ask something but I was scared the others might hear, sooo uh, wanna go on a date maybe?"

His words made me blush
I knew we were dating, but the thought of cheesy wanting to go on a date with me made me weak in the knees

I laughed nervously, turning completely red
I was nervous, and excited, and slightly flustered
I tried to hide that, but failed miserably
"Uhm.. w-where do you.. ahem.. w-wanna, uh.. go?"
"I heard there was a new pizza place that opened recently, how about we go there?"
"Y-yeah! T-that sounds fun"
"Alright, it's settled then, tonight, 19:30, we meet here!"

We chatted for a bit before I headed to my bedroom
Time was passing, but it felt like it was going way to slowly
I checked the time again
It was now 18:27
I thought it was about time for me to get ready
I looked around for a while
I didn't want to be too casual and just go as I'd normally, it is a date after all, but I didn't wanna be too fancy either, it's a just pizza place
After some time I found a red bow tie
It was perfect
Not too much and not too little
I put it on and quickly got ready, before meeting cheesy outside

"S-so, where exactly is this pizza place"
"Just follow me!"
He said with a warm smile

After a bit of walking we arrived at the pizza place
We headed inside and sat down

"Heh.. out f-first date, wow! I never expected this to happen.."
"Me neither, but here we are! I guess we'll just have to get used to it, this isn't our last date after all!"

There are many more dates to come after this
The thought made me blush
Going on dates with cheesy
Even being on this date with cheesy right now..

"Sooo, have you decided what you want yet?"

Cheesy burst out laughing

He moved his finger under his eye as if he was trying to wipe away a tear

I said, embarrassed

"HAHAhaha.. but I meant pizza, have you decided what pizza you want yet?'

After some time we ordered
I could see cheesy staring at his pizza with a look of fear on his face

I heard him whisper something under his breath

"M-my knee"
"Do you not want the pizza?"

He quickly snapped out of it"

"Right! Heh, sorry about that"

He picked up a slice and started eating it
We finished and stared at each other at the table

"S-so, uh, cheesy, what do you wanna do now?"
"Well what I really want is to kiss you"
My face was matching my bow tie at this point
I could hear cheesy slightly giggle
"Sooo.. will you accept my request?"
"Y-yes, please"
"Alright then!"
He grabbed my face and brought it down to his level, letting our lips meet each other


"I love you.."
"Hehehe, come here"
He hugged me

Love is a strange thing, but it feels nice..
Who knew someone like me would be weak in the knees cause of someone like cheesy
But that's love for ya

We headed back to the hotel

"W-wanna sleep with me again tonight?"

We got to my bedroom
I took off my bow tie and flopped into bed
Cheesy laid down next to me
"Goodnight Cheesy.."
"Goodnight my love"
He said with a wink

He.. called me love
That felt nice
I guess we really are together, even if no one will know
At least not for now..

We soon both fell asleep
I think it felt nicer like this

A/N: thanks to Katty-cake for the idea of them going on a date to a pizza place! Again, I'm writing this at night, so it's probably bad, but if u guys wanna put in a request like this feel free to do so, this fanfic is definitely not gonna end any time soon so I feel like it's better to have more inspiration for what to write

well wasn't that cheesy? (a trophy x cheesy fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now