Chapter 7

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The next day was a seemingly typical day. Although, not much had been very typical as of late. I was leaving my locker and heading for lunch when I spotted Emma Cabot and her prissy posse heading my way. I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh, knowing there was no way I was going to be able to walk passed them without some deprecating remarks spewed my way. I held my books tightly, trying to remain firm and preparing to hold my ground.

"Heard about your little accident the other day," Emma says while laughing.

"What are you talking about?"

"You seem to have study hall mixed up with art class. Somebody doesn't know how to keep their paint on their paper, do they?" she frowned, mockingly.

Before I could say anything I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"And you seem to forget how to mind your own damn business,"

Jai was approaching from behind me and was heading our direction.

"Really?" Was all Emma could say, clearly flustered.

"You heard what I said. Back the hell off, Emma."

Jai made eye contact with me in passing and then kept on his way down the hallway. I watched him as he passed us and then I looked back to Emma. Anger crossed her face.

"Stay away from Jai," she barked at me, as if she owned him.

I said nothing and continued on my way to lunch. I was relieved to see Bella and Chloe and loosen up for a bit. Bella was halfway through her trenta starbucks drink and Chloe was fretting over her next soccer game. I'd much rather listen to them fuss about their little problems than go on about Emma Cabot so I was content picking at my lunch and laughing at their first world problems. Beyond my two best friends I could see Jai and his friends. He looked happy and content. His eyes found mine, and he flashed me a smile, and I sent him one back.

Bella started on about the Winter ball.

"Guys, we need to go dress shopping together. Grace are you going? You better be going. David and Emma are probably going to win king and queen again. Should I run for queen?" She was practically talking to herself.

I was feeling so confused about my life lately. But I had no choice other than to keep it pushing and try my best. After school, I got ready for work and headed to the movie theater. I was in a considerably good mood despite Emma's bullshit. I was nearing the end of my shift when sadly the devil herself walked in with her simpleton friends. She's smiling an evil smile at me as she approaches the counter. She chomps on her gum and props her elbow onto the counter, resting her chin in her hand.

"Tell me, doll," she says, "You and Jai Brooks were just making a mess of each other a couple days ago, and suddenly yous are getting on? Or is there something I'm missing here?"

In all honesty I really didn't know what to say. A couple weeks ago I could not stand Jai Brooks. Now, I really wasn't sure what to think. I just looked at her, watching her chew her gum like a cow chewing its cud.

"Because him defending you like that? Don't get used to that. He doesn't like you,"

For some reason that stung more than usual. Emma's posse all stood by silently, just listening to her run her trap.

"Whatever," I say, trying to seem unbothered.

"Okay?" Emma smiles. "Okay. Now, 4 tickets to Scream 6,"

After I got Emma her tickets, I go and sit in the break room for a moment. Similarly to last week's episode, I sat with my face in my hands and groaned. I was feeling so overwhelmed. I was so sick of all the harassment I wasn't sure how much more I could take.

Grace; misanthrope // Jai Brooks Where stories live. Discover now