Chapter 2

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The week seemed to drag out even more than normal. The morning started out rough with Emma Cabot tripping me during first period and me landing on the ground amongst my own textbooks. I was eager for the day to be over. For third period I have study hall. Of course I was hoping to redeem myself during this hour as I could spend my time listening to music as I do school work.

I'm halfway through both a Smiths album and my English assignment when I'm poked in the back. I grit my teeth in annoyance. Once again, I'm poked in the back. I spun around to find Jai Brooks sitting behind me with a ruler in his hand.

"Quit it." I demanded.

"Quit what?" He acted baffled.

"Quit jabbing me with your ruler."

"QuIt jAbBinG mE wiTh yOuR rULer." He mocked me.

I turned back around and ignored him, paying him no mind. Jai was one of the most popular kids in the entire school. Girls obsess over him; their panties seem to drop just at the sight of him. Everyone wanted to be his friend or more than that, if they could.

I got back to working on my English assignment when my left headphone was yanked out of my ear by its cord.

"Ow..." I mutter, reaching for my stinging ear. I turn around to look at Jai, flashing him an angry glare. "You must be so bored. Haven't you got anything better to do?"

"Not really." He says unfazed and clearly trying to get a rise out of me.

I just blink at him as I soak in his stupidity. Then I return to my work. I'm just barely able to finish my assignment before the bell rings. I hurriedly pack up my belongings and head to art class, which seems to be the one place I'm safe from all the popular idiots. I let myself unwind during art class and take a deep breath.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays I work at the movie theater. I keep my job schedule fairly minimal to avoid distractions from school. It's a pretty easy job and all the employees frequently receive free movie tickets, so I was content at the theater. On Thursday night I stood behind the counter, taking money and putting it in the cash register, then serving people their popcorn and snacks.

My night was going smooth until in walks a bunch of the popular kids. I feel my ears start to get hot as soon as I lay eyes on them. They can never just come in, get their tickets and popcorn, see a movie, and leave. They always insist on being rambunctious and noisy. Amongst them I spot Jai Brooks, laughing and acting mischievous along with the rest of his snot nosed friends. My coworker and I eye each other and let out a sigh. The boys come strutting up to the counter. It's Jai's older brother Beau who steps forward and speaks.

"Hi, 8 tickets for..." he breaks into laughter as his friends keep messing with him.

I stand there, glaring at him with a blank face, annoyed at his immaturity.

"Scream  6," he manages to get out.

"Anything else?" I say, eyes still locked on him, unaumused.

He consults with his friends, and then orders various buckets of popcorn and drinks.

"How 'bout some napkins, too?" Jai's twin brother Luke chimes in, "So you can wipe that ugly look off your face."

"And then you can go cry about it," Jai laughs.

"Oh, eat me," I say, shooing them away as I head for the break room, their laughter echoing behind me.

I sat down for a moment, leaning over the table with my face in my hands. I let out a frustrated groan. I could not stand the popular kids at my school. They walked around with their noses in the air and were much too "cool" to ever associate with anyone but each other. And if they did bother to acknowledge the existence of someone like myself, it would only be to pick on them for their own amusement. I loathed going to that party tomorrow night. Especially when everybody loved Bella and Chloe, and I was just sort of there. They were much more social and outgoing. On the contrary I hated everybody and everything.

The following day at school I sat in statistics class, feeling anxious about Amelia's party that was only 5 hours away at this point. Something began hitting my chair, repeatedly. I turned around to find David Waters kicking my chair. I sigh, debating on whether or not I should waste my time even saying anything. I flash him an evil glare before turning back around. He continues to kick my chair. Just as I stand up out of my seat, about to speak up for myself, the bell rings and muffles my voice. I sigh in frustration as David flashes me a stupid grin, chomping away at his gum. As I turn back around to gather my things, Emma Cabot shoulders me on her way out the door. My face is hot with anger. I feel like screaming, or maybe crying.

Grace; misanthrope // Jai Brooks Where stories live. Discover now