Chapter 88: im screaming inside once again

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College started again, so you know what time it is- screaming internally.

Scarlet sat in class, bouncing her leg nervously as four new people sat around her. She felt like she was struggling to breath, feeling a little too claustrophobic. She liked small spaces, don't get her wrong, however when there were others around her, close enough for her to see the threads in their shirts, she felt like her world wasn't a safe comfortable cubby. She could smell the colonel of the surfer dude next to her, the smell attacking her. She wanted to be back home, with her mom baking bread and making her breakfast for her first day. She wanted to snuggle back into bed with her demonic cat, reading fan fics or watching youtube with the funny irish man. She jumped slightly when she was handed a paper, a syllabus being in her hands now. Her teacher continued to talk about what to expect in her class, but Scarlet wasn't really paying attention. Her teacher was talking about getting a psychology book, another book that Scarlet would only use for a semester before it would be forgotten on her bookshelf. Scarlet took a deep breath, trying to stop her leg from shaking the entire table she sat at. She watched as her teacher then continued, pulling up news articles and talking about human behaviors. Scarlet wasnt looking forward to current events or the sorts, however she took this class to better understand her friends and co-workers. She was having trouble understanding people lately, her emotions in flux and out of sync. She thought that maybe this would be a fun class to take, but the thought of future homework, stress, and looming depression was already taking its toll. She had gone to bed earlier that normal the other night as well, but that didnt help the fact that she already felt drained. Her eyes burned as she wrote down notes here and their about what she might need. Soon, before she knew it, class was over. She breathed out a sigh of relief, she just wanted to get home as soon as possible. However, the school day wasnt over yet. She got in person out of the way, now she just needed to finish online. She groaned as she walked towards her car, shifting her laptop and bag as she walked further than she wanted to that morning. "I just want to play skyrim.... Or Plateup.... Just anything to take the already snowball of stress away." Scarlet muttered, looking down and cursing herself for taking on so many classes. She then bumped into someone, looking up to see a black haired green eyed guy. He smiled shyly, picking up a book that Scarlet had dropped. "Sorry, I wasnt looking where I was going. You ok?" The guy asked, handing the book to her. "Uh, um, yeah. Im fine thanks...I wasnt looking either, sorry." Scarlet muttered, taking to book and stuffing it into her bag.

"Wait, you were in Phyc 101 right?" The guy asked, a small smile on his face. "Yeah, the one at 10:30am?" Scarlet confirmed, the guy lighting up. "I'm Zane! I was sitting up front." Zane smiled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Oh, yeah! You were the guy who was falling asleep!" Scarlet smiled, remembering a slumped form at the front most table. Zane's smile faultered, a soft sigh leaving him. "Ah, yeah...I was too nervous to sleep last night..." Zane chuckled, looking around the parking lot. "Um, anyways! It was nice to see you! I gotta get going to my writing class!" Zane smiled, starting to run off. He stopped midway, turning around with a concerned look on his face. "I never got your name!" Zane shouted, causing Scarlet to chuckle slightly. "Scarlet!" Scarlet called back, a big goofy grin appearing on his face. He mumbled something before running off.

The next day, Zane sat down next to Scarlet, a big grin on his face. "Wanna be friends?"

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