Chapter 64: What could have been

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Five glared at The handler, watching as she tugged a small cart that had a Tv set up on it. "what are you playing at?" Five said, his voice almost a growl. "Oh please Five! I'm only showing you what I can do to help!" The handler said, giving her signature cheshire cat smile. "Help me? why in gods name would you want to help me?" Five asked, narrowing his eyes towards her. Scarlet quietly crept around the back corners of the large room. She and Ira had accidentally gotten brought along with five when he got brought back to The Commission. Five didn't know this of course, other wise he would have gotten them out of there as soon as possible.

Scarlet and Ira had split up, trying to look for Five. Scarlet had found him first fortunately, while Ira was raiding the briefcase room and holding a Switch board room hostage. Scarlet glared at The Handler, getting really bad vibes from her as she slowly moved around the back to get a better few of the Tv and two of them. "Because I care about you five! Plus, Me and the others think we found a way to both stop the Apocalypse and give you a happy ending!" The handler smiled, clapping her hands together before grabbing the TV remote. "You just said the Apocalypse is suppose to happen! Why change your mind now?" Five asked, looking more irritated by the second. "Man, Ira really needs to get here fast. Five's temper is starting to slip again.." Scarlet muttered to herself, crouching down and watching cautiously.

"Well, would you rather me keep the Apocalypse on? Come on! Let me just show you a little something and then you can decide on listening to me or not!" The handler smiled, Clicking the TV on with the remote. The screen flickers to life, a white static appearing on the screen. "Yeah, Real convinced." Five said, giving an irritated smile. "Wha- Oh come on, piece of shi-" The handler cussed, smacking the side of the TV before the picture started showing up. "There we go!" The handler smiled, watching as a young Scarlet and Ira stormed into the living room. "Wait...what is this?" Five asked, glaring at The Handler. Scarlet's face immediately paled, she knew this scene, she lived it 17 years ago. This was the day that Ira froze herself.

"I hope you brought popcorn!" The Handler smiled, standing next to five as the video started play. "This is the day your little girlfriend went Popsicle!" The Handler smiled, Five's head whipping towards her direction. "Why the hell would I want to watch this!?" Five yelled, causing Scarlet to jump slightly in her hidden spot. "Because we did some calculations and changed a thing or two." The Handler smiled, watching as the Two sisters on screen turned to face each other. "You mean..." Five trailed off, turning to look back at the screen again. "Yup! We are now watching an alternate timeline!" The Handler smiled big.

Young Scarlet was practically screaming at Ira, with Ira glaring fierce daggers back. The Handler turned up the volume, her eyes glancing back towards Scarlet before looking back at the screen. Neither Five or Scarlet caught The Handler's glance, because they were to fixated on the video.

"What the hell Ira!? I had that guy!! HE WAS RIGHT THERE!!" Scarlet practically screamed, her eyes glowing a bright gold. "You were taking to long Scarlet. I just took care of the problem." Ira said, her voice cold and monotone. "Problem!? Who are we talking about here Ira?! Me or that asshole!?" Scarlet asked, causing Ira's own eyes to flare a glowing a light electric blue. "You, Scarlet!! You hesitated!!" Ira huffed, crossing her arms. "Hesitated!? I had just grabbed him!" Scarlet yelled, her hair slightly levitating and glowing a soft redish orange. "Your sloppy Scarlet! If you're not careful, you could get hurt!!! Or worse! Killed!" Ira said, slowly loosing her composer. "She...I...I never heard her raise her voice like that before..." Five muttered, his eyebrows furrowing. "Just wait, It gets juicier." The Handler smiled, now holding a small bucket of popcorn.

"I can handle myself just fine, damn it!!" Scarlet yelled, small fire-like tattos growing up her neck and towards her cheeks. "No! You cant! You nearly got killed three times today!! If me, five, and klaus hadn't been there, you would have died!" Ira yelled, causing both Scarlet and Five's eyes to go wide. Ira's hair lifted slightly, frost growing up her own neck and cheeks. "I would have been fine if it wasn't for you!" Scarlet screamed, fire engulfing her whole body. "I'm just worried about your safety damn it!" Ira yelled again, frost covering her finger tips and growing up her wrists. "Well then stop fucking worrying!!!" Scarlet yelled again. "WOULD YOU JUST SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO ME FOR ONCE?!" Ira snapped, raising her hand and shooting an icicle at Scarlet.

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