Chapter Forty-Nine

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When I woke up, Faelen was gone.

As I sat up in my bed, staring at the empty spot on the floor, part of me wondered if I'd imagined it. But thin, glinting strands of white on the little pillow told me I had not. The events of last night had been real -- the kiss with Luc, Ashleigh's fury, Azriel's visit, and Faelen's strange kindness -- and it was far too early in the morning for me to process any of it. 

Wincing, I slipped out of bed and crossed the room to my wardrobe, settling on a white t-shirt and black jeans. I must have banged myself pretty badly last night, for every inhale of breath had pain splintering through my ribs. 

Taking a moment to wash up in the ensuite, I chucked my hair into a braid and walked out into the halls. Quiet, as always, and yet the silence felt heavier today, almost as if the entire castle was waiting with baited breath. For what, I didn't know. I kept on walking. The feeling only disappeared once the warbled voices of the Dining Hall greeted me, and without a second thought, I strolled through the oak doors. 

The room brimmed with chaos, but I was so used to it by now that I didn't even blink an eye. I made my way to the usual seat and sat down, waiting for Raina and Azure to arrive. As I did, I noticed the dark figure sitting at the head table, his gaze burning into the side of my head. I fiddled with the hem of my jeans. Part of me didn't want to meet his gaze, if only because I feared what I would see. Most likely a snide look to remind me of my moment of weakness last night, or maybe even one of smug amusement. 

So when I finally did look up, I was surprised to see the gentle smile that spread across his lips as his eyes met mine. My heart jumped again. It was that smile, and despite the slight humor twinkling in his eyes, there was nothing to suggest he thought any less of me after what happened last night. 

I held his gaze, too shocked to smile back. But before I could turn away, something heavy plopped down beside me, and my attention was diverted.

I didn't recognise the girl at first. Her hair was still that ice blonde, yet it looked frizzled, as though she's been crying all night. Her swollen eyes and lips told me she had, and if it weren't for that distinct blue shade of her eyes, I don't think I would have recognised her at all. 


I cringed at the obvious disbelief on my voice, but there was no way to contain it. Slowly, Azure turned her gaze to mine, her skin almost ashen in the morning light. 

"Kyra..." she greeted weakly. She turned away, and so did I, my mind reaching for things to say. A good person would ask what's wrong, or try to comfort her, but I am not a good person. At least, not naturally -- not anymore. Somehow, I got the feeling it would be awkward to ask what was bothering her, and yet part of me burned to know. Azure and I had never discussed things like emotions, and yet I couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt for staying silent. 

Before I could say anything, however, someone slid in next to me. I turned, raising my brows towards the curly-haired boy to my left. "Luc?"

"Hey, Ky," he chirped, grabbing a fork and stabbing a steak before slapping it onto his plate. I shuddered. Steak in the morning? I usually stuck to the scrambled eggs and toast, though meaty options were usually more popular among the werewolves. Maybe I did still have a bit of human in me, after all. I shook the thought from my head.

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