Chapter Sixty-Seven [18+]

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The icy grass stung the soles of my feet. The moon hung low in the cloudless night, large amongst the glimmering stars. The scent of pine and snow drifted on the wind, except the smell wasn't coming from the forest.

I giggled as Faelen tugged me forward, his hair almost as white as the moon overhead. I could hear him chuckling as well -- as though this was some game and we were two love-struck kids. For the umpteenth time, he spun me around and drew me into his arms. I cried out in shock and delight as he planted a firm kiss on my lips, disarming me entirely. I sighed against his mouth.

He pulled away, smiling wryly at me. His eyes were somewhat glossed over, as though caught in a semi-trance. I'm sure mine held a similar look. 

"I never knew a kiss could make you so docile. I half-expected you to break my jaw off when I tried it in the ballroom," he said. 

I giggled low. "Oh, you have me wrong. I'm not docile."

"Oh?" Faelen's eyes gleamed with the challenge. "And what about if I kiss here?"

I sucked in a sharp breath as his soft, warm lips met the bottom of my jaw. Goosebumps raised along my skin, and a shudder not due to the cold air coursed through my body.

"Or here?" he mumbled against my skin, trailing towards the sensitive flesh between jaw and my neck. 

"Faelen..." I breathed -- a warning and a plea. My hands scrunched the thick material of his blazer, and my fingers ached to shred his clothes off then and there.

He nipped along the skin of my jaw, before his mouth dropped to my neck. I gasped as he sucked the skin between his teeth, the flesh of my neck aching with both pain and pleasure. I clutched onto him for dear life, using every fibre of willpower to suppress my moans. Okay, yeah, maybe his kisses did make me a bit docile...

When he pulled away, I took a moment to compose myself -- though it was hard to think with the lingering warmth of his mouth on my skin.

"You gave me a hickey," I said, trying to sound accusatory but coming across as needy instead.

Faelen grinned, his eyes shimmering with glee. "I only intend to mark what's mine. I don't want other males to get any ideas."

My stomach did a somersault at his words. Instead of letting my delight show, I raised a brow and smirked. "'Mine'... now isn't that some strong language?"

For a moment, he just stared at me. Then, quicker than my eyes could track, he lunged forward and wrapped his arms around my thighs. I cried out in both shock and delight as he threw me over his shoulder and took off towards the direction of his shabby little house. I tried to seem disapproving at first, but I was quickly left giggling as he raced across the grounds.

When we reached the front porch, he set me down and unlocked his door. I smoothed out my wind-batted hair as best as I could, grinning from ear to ear. My heart rate ticked up a notch as he opened the door and stepped aside. I raced by him into the living space, allowing my eyes a moment to adjust to the dull, flickering candlelight cast across the room. The moment he shut it, he grabbed my waist, spun me around, and crashed his lips down on mine. I looped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer, desperate to get more of him; more of us. Every graze of his fingers against my bare skin sent columns of fire up my spine, and every time we locked eyes, I found myself getting more lost in his gaze.

Suddenly, he pulled away, his shallow, rapid breaths hitting my forehead. "Are you sure you want to do this? You know where this will go..."

His voice trailed off. I stared at him. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he wanted this -- that he wanted me. But I could also see the fear them -- the fear that I'd change my mind and walk out on him.

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