Chapter 7

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When we finally get home it is around one in the morning. I can already tell that the thing I'll hate most about this case is the early mornings. I sluggishly get into my pj's and crawl into bed.

It feels like I was only asleep for thirty minutes before the house comes to life opening the blinds and blasting Happy by Pharrel from hidden speakers. I groan and push myself up on my elbows, someone needs to turn that off because I'm anything but happy at this moment. Pearson walks into the room and smirks "nice, hair. How many birds do you think can nest in that?" I give him a sneer "fuck off, and get me some coffee".

"Already done, princess" he answers sarcastically before leaving. I roll out of bed and stretch as I walk to the bathroom. I look at the mirror and groan at the amount of time I'm going to have to spend to fix the mess I call my face and hair. Bags under my dull grey eyes, knotted hair, a few blemishes here and there; I can't believe some people wake up like this everyday.

I spend close to two hours washing, de-knotting, and covering up the mess I woke up with before putting on the uniform, adding a red and black statement necklace, and going downstairs to eat breakfast. I walk right past Pearson and don't even spare him a glance until I have the right amount of caffeine pumping trough my veins. "How do people even do this" I ask before sitting down at my bowl of oatmeal with mixed with fruit. "Do what" he asks.

"Wake up at such an untimely hour to go and spend eight plus hours doing something totally boring, like learn stuff they'll never use" I answer taking a sip of orange juice. He smiles "you wanted to know what it was like to be normal, right? Well, there you go", I shovel a melon square in my mouth "as of today I like my normal better".

We finish our breakfasts before I go upstairs to grab a pair of black heels and my bag. I bounce downstairs and out the door to meet Pearson by the car. I slide inside getting comfortable on the leather seat for the drive to school. As I watch the different colored leaves on the trees slowly pass by us as we sit in traffic, I can't help but think about Jackson. It annoys me to no end how he managed to almost make me miss my target, twice.

Not only that, but he's cunning. He does things I don't foresee, breaking a glass case to alert the guards downstairs; I shake my head, it's such a brilliant idea that it almost makes me laugh. Plus, the way he did it was almost admirable, I didn't see it coming at all and that alarms me. Especially since I can't feel his presence, which annoys me even more, I mean what's up with that?!

He's a threat to my safety, my reputation as an assassin, and all the hard work I've done over the years. I need to get rid of him, and I can tell it won't be simple especially since he's seen he can rattle me the way that he has. Not to mention I don't know his name or what his face looks like.

By the time we get to the school I'm in an overly annoyed mood. I step out of the car and give a wave to Pearson before making my way up to the front door of the school. I walk to my locker lost in my thoughts on how I can get rid of Jackson.

I get to my locker and work on putting in the combination. Maybe if I could get his mask off somehow that would help, but I would need one seriously intelligent plan to do that, and I know just the person I can go to for help. I open my locker with a smirk, still annoyed but not as much as before. As I think about what I'm going to do that afternoon I begin to empty my books in my locker, I'm so preoccupied by my thoughts that I don't notice a figure lean on the locker next to mine.

"Hello gorgeous, you look very thoughtful today. Care to let me have a peek inside your beautiful mind" I look over at Lucas and give him a deadpanned look "I'm silently planning your murder". He smiles "well that's going to be a tough task", I smirk at the fact that he's playing along "and why would that be?"

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