Chapter 2

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I get out of the Lincoln Navigator into the chilly London air and head up the steps to the building with 'The Garden' written above it in cursive. To the everyday passer-by The Garden looks like a normal garden and yard shop, but to those who know, it's that and more.

I open the door causing the bell above to jingle as I walk in. I begin to walk towards the back, but stop when I hear the conversation that Nicole, our cashier and look out, is having with a well dressed man. "I'm looking for a rare flower" the man says in a hushed tone, "what flower might that be, sir" Nicole asks at a normal volume causing the man to look at her weirdly. A newbie, obviously.

"I was wondering if you had an angel's trumpet" he asks still in a hushed tone, I sigh, relieved he didn't say oleander, and keep walking until I hear Nicole say "Ally, could you please show this gentleman to where we keep the angel's trumpets". I give her a tight smile before motioning for the man to follow me. See the thing about The Garden, and the main reason why we've never been caught, is that none of our clients know our actual names or what we look like. We being the assassins that work here.

When a client comes to the store they absolutely have to look around a little before coming to the cashier. Other wise it looks a little suspicious if a person walks straight up to the cashier asking for something they can't find when they didn't even look for it first. All of the assassins have a code name, and all the code names are the names of poisonous flowers. Yes, angel's trumpet is a poisonous flower.

Being the best assassin this company has after the boss my code name is oleander, oleander is the second most poisonous flower. The boss' code name is autumn crocus which is the most poisonous flower. I stop in front of the door with a plaque on it that says 'Angel's Trumpet' and open it motioning towards the dimly lite hallway so the man knows he has to go in there; and open the door at the end.

"Aren't you a little young to be in this type of business" he asks. He's got to be at least forty with a five o'clock shadow and an 'I mean business' face I just have to assume he's a CEO. "How old do you have to be to work in a flower shop" I ask innocently as if I have no idea what's really going on here. A fearful look crosses his face before he masks it and scurries into the hallway without another word.

I roll my eyes and close the door. A guy like that is going to get us into trouble. A question like that would have piqued my curiosity if I didn't know what was going on. I continue to walk down the hall pass the many doors that supposedly hold poisonous flowers, but really hold killer assassins, until I reach the end and take a left towards the boss' office. If I had taken a right I would be going to mine, which I barley use because I'm always on a case.

I open the door with a plaque that reads 'Autumn Crocus' and stride inside like I own the place. I take a seat in one of the leather chairs, and about five seconds later the leather office chair behind the mahogany desk turns around. Revealing a man in his late thirties with a short beard, piercing grey eyes that make you feel like he's looking into your soul, pale skin, black hair, and a scar running from the corner of his left eye to the middle of his cheek.

This pointy nosed man that would scare the lemonade out of any one is the infamous boss. This man is the best assassin we've got, even though he's retired to run the business. He comes out of retirement every once in a while when we have a special case he thinks I can't handle. This man who is wanted in Russia, all of South America, and Australia is my mentor.....and my uncle.

My uncle Dmitri who has raised me as his own since I was eight turned to me and said "you were a careless idiot today". I roll my eyes "yea, yea sure. Now, could you hurry this up because the sun is going down and I want to take a picture of it when its right in the middle of The Eye", in the middle of my sentence I take a look at him and he does not look happy, "or I could sit here and take my lecture like a good trained assassin. No biggie. The sun will be there tomorrow".

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