Chapter 4

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I wake up startled because the house became alive all at once. 'Best Day of my Life' by American Authors starts playing from Jesus knows where and the blinds open up letting in the rising sun. I groan loudly and hide my face underneath a pillow.

I hear chuckling behind me before Pearson says "rise and shine. You don't want to be late for your first day". I look behind me and give him a glare. "Whoa...... Coffee" he asks, "please" I mumble. I drag myself into a sitting position and look at the time; 6:00.

I groan again and sluggishly put myself in the bathroom. After taking a shower and wrapping myself and my hair in a towel I walk to my closet and put the uniform on adding a silk red bow at my neck. It's not that bad, I guess, but there's no way I'm wearing those knee high socks with the loafers, no.

I blow dry my hair and let it down before I make my way to the kitchen, and find Pearson already eating a waffle and reading the paper. I go straight for the coffee and take three hearty gulps before saying "good morning". He chuckles "so now it's good?" I nod my head and grab a couple of waffles, drenching them in syrup. "They still have those" I ask before stuffing my face with a waffle.

"What" he asks, I point to the paper in his hands and he laughs "obviously". I shrug and finish my plate of waffles before chugging down the rest of my coffee. "Ready to go" he asks handing me a black quilted leather Chanel backpack, I take it with a question written all over my face. "Your uncle sent it over" he answers, I open it and find all the essential things for school I didn't even think about. "Tell him I said thanks".

I run upstairs and put on the socks with a pair of black oxford heels. I put on a little mascara, eye liner, and lip gloss before going downstairs and locking the door behind me. I turn around and stop in my tracks when I see a white Rolls Royce Ghost instead of the normal Lincoln. Pearson comes out and opens the door "are you sure that's ours" I ask, he nods and I get inside.

I wait until he's in the driver seat before asking "what happened to not attracting attention to myself". He pulls away from the curb saying "I don't think your uncle thinks it's necessary in this situation. Besides, if he wants to spoil you let him". I let go of a deep breath and relax into the soft leather.

The ride to school is fifteen minutes and when we pull into the U-shaped pick up/drop off area in front of the school I finally understand the backpack and the Royce. All the kids here are filthy rich, they reek with the stench of wealth. There's no way I'm attracting attention to myself. Every luxury vehicle you can think of from Mercedes to Bentley was in that drive way. I don't think I'll like it here any more.

I can already imagine the shallow people I'll encounter in there. Pearson opens the door for me and I step out taking in my surroundings. The school is a tall, old two story brick building with windows all over the front. There's a smaller building connected to it by what might be a hallway. I guess I'll find out when I get inside. "I'll be right back here after school to take you to Evra Corp" Pearson says closing the door. "Alright, thanks Pearson" I begin to walk towards the door and take a deep breath before walking through them.

I immediately walk into the office to my right and wait for the lady behind the desk to notice me. She looks like she really doesn't want to be here and I don't blame her. She looks old enough to be my grandma, someone of that age should not be at school. "Yes, may I help you" she says when she finally acknowledges me. "My name is Alexandria Milan and I'm new here". She gives me a bored look "do you have your schedule", I nod and pull it out of my backpack.

"Fantastic" she says sarcastically before typing some stuff. I give her a look and decide I don't like her very much, a printer comes to life and spits out a small piece of paper. She hands it to me "this is your locker number and combination. Class starts in ten minutes so I'd hurry up if I were you". I take it from her mumbling a thank you, and walk out of the office.

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