Chapter 8

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The elevator dings before its doors slide open revealing the garage. Lucas motions for me to go first and I look at him with a question before stepping out of the elevator. I take a few steps and look around for a minute before turning to him "do you not have a driver?" He shakes his head "I don't have a need for one, I can drive", I raise my eyebrows at him in shock and he laughs "what? You thought I couldn't drive".

I turn around and begin to walk away as I say over my shoulder "I thought all you privileged kids would rather have someone drive you around instead of actually learning". A hand grabs onto my wrist and I turn around to look at Lucas "one: the majority of us do, but I'm apart of the minority and two: you're going the wrong way". I smile sheepishly as I let him lead the way to his car.

I quicken my steps to try to keep up with Lucas' long strides, I never realized just how much taller than me he is. "Why did you say you" he asks out of the blue, "what" I ask trying to not focus on the fact that his thumb is lightly caressing my wrist. It may be weird but my wrists are a weak spot on my body. They're extremely sensitive, and until today I didn't realize that if the right person touches them in the right way they can also be erotic.

"When you were asking me about having a driver. You said 'I thought all you privileged kids would rather have someone drive you around instead of actually learning' why did you say that? Do you not see yourself as privileged?" My eyes widen because I have no clue how to answer that question, I don't see myself as privileged, but I can't tell him that. How would I explain the Royce and the fact that we go to the same overly priced school. "Yea, I do" I lie as my bottom lip automatically gets sucked into my mouth for my teeth to chew on.

I quickly push my lip back in place, lip chewing is a clear sign that I'm lying and/or don't know how to handle a situation. "You're lying" he says and I can hear the smirk in his voice, I frown in confusion because his back was to me the entire time so I have no clue how he knows I'm lying. "I know you're lying because that was a long pause, and you've never paused that long to answer any of my other questions". I roll my eyes "that means nothing. Where's your car any way, we've been walking for hours".

He chuckles "we've only been walking for thirty seconds, and my car is right here". He stops us in front of a silver Porsche 918 Spyder, and I scoff; of course he has a car like this. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but a car that's worth $929,000 was definitely not on my mind for some reason. I don't know if he heard my scoff or not but he goes up to the passenger side door and opens it for me. I squint my eyes at him suspiciously as I walk towards the door.

I partially put one leg in the car before I turn to glare suspiciously into his hazel eyes "I don't know what you're trying to do with this car and acting like a gentleman, but it's not going to work, and I'm not impressed". He smiles in an innocent manner, but I can see the cunning look in his eyes. "I'm not trying to do anything but get both of our tedious lists done", he leans in closer so I can now clearly see the gold specks in his eyes, "now unless you want to take a cab or a bus all around the city I suggest you shut your feisty mouth and get in the car".

I could always just call Pearson to come get me, but I'm already here and I'd rather not go inside that hectic building. I give him a good scowl before plopping down in the seat with a huff "what happened to you being a gentleman".

"You don't appreciate him enough so he's left the building for the time being" and with that he shuts my door and takes his sweet time getting into the drivers seat. Once he starts the car and pulls out onto the road he says "so are you going to tell me the truth now? That was a really good attempt at changing the subject by the way". I roll my eyes and release a loud sigh deciding to go with something close to the truth "yea, I do. Kind of".

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