Ch. 4

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Sydney POV

I've never liked being in front of large groups of people, nor have I ever been a fan of meeting people.

Ever since Matt's fame has shot through the roof, my parents have smuggled Addy and I farther and farther away from the outside world to "keep us safe." Addy being the little ball of enthusiasm and energy she is, it's especially difficult for her to refrain from meeting everything that moves. I on the other hand, have never really been the social type so it wasn't much of a change I couldn't handle. With a raise of the eyebrows, Matt walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs, leaving me with the unknown boys. And Cameron.

"Close your mouth babe." A deep voice echoes from beside me. I didn't realize it was open. I turn to see a tall dark haired boy. He's cocky, but lacks a shirt and I'm not complaining. His breath fans down the length of my neck as I scoot away from him.

I turn away from the crowd of boys and face instead my wonderful big mac sandwich and fries. I lift up the sandwich and take a bite, nearly moaning. It's been forever since I've had one. A large hand reaches around my shoulder and pulls a few fries from my bag.

"Hey," I yelp, food still in my mouth, "I don't share with strangers." I finish swatting the hand away.

"Then introduce yourself." A tall boy with piercing blue eyes winks at me.

"Sydney Espinosa." I smirk feeling confidence radiate through me. I grab the bag and tea and make for the stairs.

I lick the salt from my fingers as I finish my fries. Hearing a knock, I swipe my lap off and grab my Mc Donald's trash. The knock sounds again.

"I'm coming, damn."

I expect it to be Matt but when I open the door, I see someone unexpected.


"Uh.. Hi." He says, scratching the back of his neck. He does that a lot.

"Hi." He wears a look on his face which tells me he remembers distinctively seeing me without clothes. I'm not the type to shy my body away from people but this time it just feels.. different and I don't like it at all.

The awkward in the air feels so heavy that it'll crush us. He struggles for words and I try to help him out, "So, you wanna do me a favor?"

"Yeah.. I'd really like to make it up to you for, you know.. when I saw you-"

"Okay, okay." I cut him off.

I lean in to him because I know I make him nervous; it's exciting. I run my fingers up his arm and his breathing quickens. In a low voice I say, "So you'll still do me that favor right?"

"Y-yeah." He stutters.

"Throw this away for me?" I ask shoving my Mc Donald's trash into his chest. His eyes grow wide.

"But I-"

"Hey, thanks." I say, shutting the door.

"That's messed up," He groans, "I just wanted to talk to you." His voice is muffled and it's hard not to laugh.

"Come back after you throw that away for me and maybe we can talk." I wink even though he can't see me.

I laugh as I hear what sounds like him running down the stairs.

Cameron returns sooner than I expect.

I now stand in the bathroom, and Cameron comes in without knocking.

"Whoa there. I could've been changing." I say sarcastically.

"Wouldn't be the first time." He says with a smirk. I laugh at his corny comeback. Cameron sits on the edge of the large bathtub.

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