-At The Mall- (Chapter 2)

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Hyemin's POV

after we finished watching The Lorax,  the three of us (hyemin,minji,haerin) noticed that the other three were asleep.

the three of us made eye contact and sighed.

" i'll carry hanni, haerin will carry dani, and minji unnie will carry hyein. " I said and carried hanni to our room.

when I was inside our room, i placed hanni on her bed and went inside the bathroom, i locked the door and took a quick warm bath.

after i finished taking a quick warm bath i decided to wear a skirt, glasses and a sweater on, not forgetting my mask.

" why are you dressed up? " minji unnie asked me while her hands were placed on my waist, haerin just glared at her then continued scrolling on her phone.

" oh i forgot to ask you guys if you wanted to go to the mall because i was going with chaewon unnie and eunchae." i explained to minji unnie, both of them said they wanted to go to the mall so they took a shower.

i was scrolling on tiktok waiting for the two.

" let's go~ " haerin cutely sang, it was obvious she was excited.  me and minji unnie just chuckled at her cuteness and went out of the dorm.

" hold on, i'm just gonna chat chaewon unnie to ask if they're already there. " i said, making the two of them stop from walking.

" oh, don't forget to chat the others that we went to the mall. " minji unnie told me and i gave her a hum.

after i chatted chaewon unnie she told me that they were almost there and i was also done texting hanni.


" annyeong haseyo! " the three of us greeted the other two.

" annyeong~! " chaewon unnie and eunchae greeted us back.

we went inside the van and I was sitting with eunchae and we were just talking about training, schedules, practices and all other stuff.

when we already arrived at the mall, we went out of the van and thanked le sserafim's manager for driving us to the mall.

we decided we were gonna go to the arcade so we went there but before we went there we saw cute plushies.

" ooh! let's buy some!~ " eunchae cutely exclaimed, we chuckled at her cuteness.

so me and chaewon unnie decided to buy some for our members.

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