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Hyemin's POV
My body hurted, it felt stiff. I decided to wake up, 'Eh? How'd I fell asleep on the couch' I said in my mind. I looked for my phone to see what time it is, '7:00' I'll just take a bath then eat breakfast. I'm sure the others are still asleep. I'm sure they're still tired, me too obviously, I still wonder how I fell asleep in the couch though.

"How was your sleep?" Haerin asked me, not even giving me a single glance.

"I don't know, I fell asleep on the couch somehow." I said and went inside our room to take a bath.

After I took a bath, I decided to wear a black long sleeve croptop and wear ripped jeans.

"Good morning unnie~" Hanni greeted me and hugged me

"Hi Hanni-yah~" I said and pinched her cheeks not to harsh though, I wouldn't want her have a bruise.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked hanni while checking our gc

"Eggs and bacons maybe?" Hanni told me not being sure

"Mkay, I'll get it ready for you. Breakfast in bed." I told Hanni and she smiled.

uwon: morning everyone~
Eomma: Hi uwon!
uwon: haii ^-^
Jakie: maurning!
Eomma: Hi Jakie
Appa: Hello wifey~
Eomma: Morning hubby
hyun: It's so early for you guys to flirt you know🤨
manchae: I miss garam
uwon: ^ you don't need to say it here you know. Just chat your girlfriend, moron.
hyun: and it's still hecking early for you guys to be fighting.
Eomma: like father like daughter.
Jakie: like faughter like daughter -_-
Eomma: right?!
Jakie: Yup.
manchae: sorry late reply to you punk, I was busy cuddling with my girlfriend :P
uwon: I didn't ask you moron
manchae: You're just jealous since you don't have anyone to be lovely with.
uwon: wdym? Jay loves me
manchae: nah bruh, he loves corn not you.
uwon: ...
hyun: ^ why don't you just change your name into corn, fool.
Jakie: stop being mean hyun!
hyun: nye nye nye dami mong dada, putangina mo. (Translation: Blah blah blah you talk so much, fuck you.)
Jakie: I'm telling Eomma!
hyun: crybaby :P
Eomma: slay
hyun: told ya, I'm mom's favourite
Appa: Stop fighting you kids you might forget to eat breakfast smh.

"Unnie, what you laughting at. I'M HUNGRY!" Hanni said

"Yeah yeah, okay calm down." I said and turned my phone off to cook Hanni's breakfast. I took eggs from the pantry and get the bacon from the refridgirator. I opened the stove before cooking the egg, I cracked the egg as soon as I opened the stove. I take two bacon's and put it on the stove, I fliped the bacon and take the egg out of the pan and put it on the plate. I also took the bacon out of the pan and put it on the plate, I turned the stove off and get the tray from one of the cabinets in the kitchen.

Author's POV
As Hyemin went inside of the room, she didn't notice that someone was behind her. And that someone laid on the bed and watched Hyemin closely, with a cold gaze.

"Here you go." Hyemin said and gave Hanni the tray

"Thank you~" Hanni said and smiled at Hyemin

"Mhm." Hyemin said and laid down to her bed.

"Tsk." Haerin said and went out of the room

"What's wrong with her?" Hanni asked Hyemin

" I don't know, she's been like that since yesterday."

"Sheesh, is she on her period or something?" Hanni said.

"How am I supposed to know?" Hyemin said, chatting in her gc.

To be continued.

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