- Hickeys. -

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Hyemin's POV
I woke up in my bed, my body hurt a lot. Mostly my neck. I stood up and went to the bathroom, I looked at the mirror... Seeing

Hickeys. My eyes widened as soon as I saw the amount of hickeys on my neck, I went out of the bathroom and looked at my desk. I saw a pill, a glass of water and a note, I picked up the note and read it.

" Hey Hyemin unnie<3 if you're wondering what happened to your neck uhm... don't mind it, here's a painkiller if your head hurts! "

- Rinrin.

I drank the pill then the water, I saw the door opening. Hoping it was Haerin.

" Oh unnie, you're awake. " Haerin says then looked at my neck, she smirked when she saw the hickey on my neck. She then gave me a turtleneck shirt.

" Here you go unnie, just wear this. " Haerin told me, I looked at what she was wearing. I saw her wearing my hoodie, my favorite hoodie. I sighed when I saw her wearing my hoodie ' She really does love wearing my hoodie eh? ' I said in my mind then went to the bathroom to change into the shirt Haerin had gave me. I went out of the bathroom once I was done changing, I was clearly trying to remember what happened yesterday and why the fuck I have so many hickeys.

As Haerin pushes me to the bathroom, she went inside the bathroom and locked the door. She then attacked my neck and bit them, did it hurt? kind of. Did I felt pleasured? Maybe? After she bit my neck she pulled my collar then kissed me aggresively, I let her kiss me more like letting her take control of me or something. She then tried to put her tongue in my mouth but my mouth was fully shut. She put her hands on my shoulder then made her grip harder and harder I eventually had to open my mouth or else I'd have my shoulder get a wound, I wouldn't want that or would I? She stopped kissing me and stared at me with her dark brown eyes fulled with lust or maybe... Angerness? Idfk I'm not an eye reader or shit so how would I know?

" You're lucky I'm sleepy and tired. Next time, don't let girls randomly do that to you unnie. What if you were harrased at the bar? I wouldn't even let you go there anyway, silly me. Now go to sleep. " Haerin says then walked out of the bathroom.

End of flashback.

Okay now I regret remembering it, that was fucked up and I say, fucked up. I just shrugged it off then went to the kitchen to eat something, I grabbed the cereal and the milk. I also grabbed a bowl, then I slowly put the cereal then after I put the milk. I was about to go take a seat at the table not until I felt hands on my waist.

" Hey~ Did you have a good sleep? " I heard someone say, ' The fuck? Is this Minji unnie? If it is unnie I'm fucked up. ' I said in my mind. I just tried to take her hands off my waist but her grip was strong.

" What's wrong honey? " Minji unnie asks me, she was about to kiss my neck not until.

" Unnie just let her go, she feels uncomfortable. " I heard a cold voice say, I looked at who it was. Guess who it is? It was Haerin, duh. Minji unnie let go of me then rolled her eyes, I took the chance to sit down. Once I did I saw Dani and Hyein taking a seat too.

" Unnie, isn't too hot for you to wear a turtleneck shirt? " Hyein asks me, I just tried to ignore her and continue on eating my cereal.

" Unnie, don't tell me you're hiding something?~ " Danielle asks me with a teasing tone

" Nope, why would I? " I answer Danielle

" Okay unnie~ " The two says then finally walked away then sat at the couch. Once I was finally done eating breakfast, I went inside my room then cuddled with Faun. I heard the door open but I just ignored it.

" Unnie, are you choosing Faun over Xyndi? choosing your other child over our child huh? " Haerin asked me holding Xyndi in her arms but I didn't hear the last part

" Naur, I love them both equally. " I answer while patting Faun's head. I finally stopped playing with Faun, but as soon as Faun saw Xyndi he barked at Xyndi. Xyndi then meowed to Haerin, more like asking Haerin for help. I stood up then picked Faun to put him inside his side of the bedroom, I locked the gate of his room so he wouldn't fight or create chaos. I carress Xyndi's head then looked at her.

" Sorry about him Xyndi, he's a bit grumpy. " I told Xyndi even though I know that she might not answer me or understand me, Haerin giggled. I made eye contact with her, a long eye contact, none of us dared or wanted to look away from each other's eye. We were still looking at each others eyes not until someone went inside the room.

To be continued

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating for a while, btw this chapter was rushed bcz Its late and I have to wake up early for school:')

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