- Mine. -

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3rd Person
As soon as Hyemin was no longer in Haerin's sight, Haerin chuckled at the cute pup. Haerin was already done doing her routine, she went to the living room. She thought she would see HER Hyemin cuddling with that little duck (Hanni) again. Haerin was proud of HER little puppy because she didn't make her jealous again, Haerin went to the couch to sit with her puppy.

" Rinrin~ You're finally done. " Hyemin said

Haerin's POV
As Hyemin unnie said that she put her  face in the crook of my neck then grabbed my waist to hug me.

" Fine, I forgive you. " I said

" Just don't do it again. " I told unnie

" You're so cute~ You're definetly Xyndi's mom!(tas nanay ni Faun si Hanni?🤨) She looks just like you " Hyemin unnie said then I smiled because of her cuteness.

3rd Person
As the two members cuddle, they didn't notice someone was watching them closely.

" Someone is jealous heh? " Hyein said
as the person just scoffed

" If Xyndi's mother is Haerin, then I AM Faun's mother. " Hanni said then walked into her room

" What? Is she on her period or something?..." Danielle said that made Hyein laugh

Hanni went into her room then picked Faun up.

" Don't let that kitten steal your father from me! Okay? " Hanni asks Faun, Faun barked.

" Good boy. " Hanni says then pats Faun's head. Hanni went outside their room and went to the living room, she saw her unnie alone in the couch again. ' Haerin unnie won't notice right? Why do I even care if Haerin sees us together? Hyemin unnie is MINE. (biglang nag shut up si Yujin😔) ' Hanni said in her mind the sat down with her unnie, Hanni held her unnie's hand. Hyemin didn't mind, like forgetting that Haerin told her not to be lovely dovely with Hanni.

" What are you doing unnie? " Hanni asked her unnie

" Nothing, just chatting in my gc. " Hyemin answered

" Unnie, I've been thinking. You keep on focusing on your gc, why don't you ever focus on me?  " Hanni asked her unnie that made her unnie shocked and stopped chatting her friends.

" Hmm? " Hanni hums then held her unnie's chin while looking at Hyemin's hand

" Let my Hyemin go Hanni Pham! " the two heard someone say

" Haerin... " Hyemin whispered only loud enough for herself to hear

" No, why should I? You don't even own her or anything. " Hanni said with a sassy tone

" Why, do you? " Haerin responded also with a sassy tone

" Yes I do. " Hanni answered her question that made the cat mad. Minji grabbed Hyemin then dragged her out of the chaos. The two was busy fighting that they didn't even notice that the person they were fighting because of was already gone

" You're lucky I saved you. " Minji told the younger

" Thanks unnie. " Hyemin thanked her unnie

" I'll buy you your favorite ice cream " Hyemin said that made her unnie's eye sparkle. The younger laughed at the older's reaction then dragged the latter at the nearest Baskin Robbins.

" Hi, may I please get one New York Cheesecake and a Bubblegum " Hyemin told the cashier as the cashier gets her order. When the Hyemin got her order she sat down with her unnie then gave her unnie the New York Cheesecake flavor

" Thanks Hyemin " Minji says

" No problem unnie. " Hyemin told her unnie. Hyemin seems to see some ice cream on top of her unnie's lips, she grabbed a tissue then wiped it.

" Now I know why the two were fighting for you. " Minji whispered

" Huh? Did you say anything unnie? " Hyemin asks her unnie

" No, nothing I just said thank you " Minji says then ate her ice cream like nothing happened. When the two were finally done eating, they went home. Minji opened the door, they both saw Hanni in front of the door with her arms on her waist.

" Unnie, don't tell me you're also stealing her from me. " Hanni said but only loud for Minji to hear

" Hanni, are you serious? Just because I saved her from you guys fighting? Don't take everything a big deal. " Minji said then dragged Hyemin with her to Minji's room. The two cuddled then fell asleep.

" Seems like someone had entered the battle huh? " Someone said while looking at the two oldest member cuddling.

To be continued.

Who do you guys think it is? 👀

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