21.Lets Talk.

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Wilbur glared at Scott as they sat in his front room.

The chuckle trio had left hours ago now meaning it was only wilbur,scott and sneeg alone in what he once called a safe place.

Scott sighed saying
"Wil I'm sorry."

The brunette stated quiet letting the other drown in his guilt.

He wanted to forgive Scott,and he knew he would,but he couldn't help but feel betrayed for now.

"So the others?"
Wilbur asked patiently.

"The only other villain we both know of is fundy alright."
He spoke again,avoiding eye contact.

"Why did you befriend me then?Was it to protect you from phil?"

"No wil we genuinely wanted to be friends with you.When we heard of a hero kid who hated his dad we knew we wouldn't have to hide our hate for him for you and-"

"Amd so I'm just a safety blanket?"
He asked in anger.

Scott sighed saying
"Wilbur I get your angry but you need to understand we never ment to hurt you."

Wil felt tears prick at his eyes as he heard the other speak.

He couldn't belive what Scott was saying.The starborn was his friend sure,but how much of a friend was he if he kept lying to him?

Scott sighed saying
"I'll be In my room if you need me."

And with they he left making Wilbur alone again.

Alone with his thoughts.

Alone with the truth suffocating him.

Wilbur let out a little sniffle as he looked over at a dark corner of the room whimpering out
"Mum I need help."

Within the shaded area a human becan to form.

They were see through and they leaked a cold energy through the room as she stared at him lovingly.

"What is it Wilby?"
She asked.
Scott sat on his bed with sneeg sat on his bedside table.

The starborn let out an annoyed groan as he buried his head further into his pillow mountain saying
"Sneeg I messed up."

"Yeah I saw."
The little man laughed at him.

Sneeg was used to being in little secret passageways built just for him,he was only ever out on occations where either no guests were their or it was villains there.

He'd been watching the friendship between the two through said passageways and from what he can tell the two we're very close.

This was deffinatly a friendship ender.

"So what do you wanna do now?"
Sneeg asked curiously.
He leaned forward waiting for a response only for Scott to do nothing.

He sighed saying
"You can explain to him why you became a villain,you could call fundy and tell him wilbur knows the truth now,you could-"

Scott snapped back as he lifted himself from the bed.

The room fell silent as Scott sighed letting himself slump back down on the bed.

"Sneeg can you just go see what wilburs up to?I don't want him leaving."
Scott asked.

The gremlin sighed as he slid down the wall and through a secret passage leaving the starborn alone with his thoughts.
Sorry this one is shorter(I think its shorter atleast).
I just want to get to the next chapter and write the chuckle trios POVs of their fights.

I am way to obsessed with fight scenes

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