63.Fight Between Old Friends..

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Waking up in a pissed off mood isn't great.

Waking up pissed off while no one else is awake?
Arguably much better because it gives schlatt the chance to sneak out of Erets house like an angsty teenager.

Sneaking out in the cold?
Not so great,but when you know the way to the more than likely empty villain base it gets better.

So you can probably guess what he was doing without me having to tell you.
Problem is that this is a book and as the narrator I must make sure that everyone knows what's happening even if they already know or just dont want to know.

He was making his way down the cold streets towards a sertain building.

The building wasn't exactly old,but it wasn't particularly new either which was because some new villain had bought it with the idea to use it as a murder house only to be caught and get the house taken off the market.

And to be fair to that kid,It had become the perfect place to put a tunnel!

As he reached the building he sighed,
Crouching down beside the old wood and entering the hidden tunnel.
Trailing down the snake as he paitently awaited to find the entrance to the probably darker halls.

The problem was that Minx would know he was here when she checked the security footage in the morning.
But the good news was that he could avoid that by playing his "I'm a prisoner" card.

Though knowing Minx knew Wilbur,she probably knew Eret too which meant she'd know where to find him which is always good.

He played it sneaky as he made his way to his groups area,
Carefully opening the doors and slithered over to where his suit had been kept in perfect condition.

This was gonna be fun.

He was quick to change and make his way out of the base.

After all,that's not where our story stays.

It's not where the action lay.

This base was just anouther wall in the way of him getting to releasing his anger.

He would probably get yelled at for this later,but did he care?

Was he bothered?

The cold air piercing through his mostly covered skin was almost enough to solve his anger.


He let out a sigh,
Readjusting the mask as he made his way down the streets.

Usually he'd try keep himself hidden in the shadows,
But what was the point of that if the entire street was covered by a slate of darkness?

He'd never seen the point in hiding from the night.

Ted had once yelled at him for wandering out into the moonlight.
He could still remmember a few lines from the scolding.

"You could've blown our cover!"

"This is a secret mission!"

"Even Slime was smart enough to NOT WALK INTO THE LIGHT!"

"Next time you wanna moonwalk do it IN THE FUCKING HOUSE!"

He remembered the unstoppable laughter that'd burst out of his and charlies mouths as they'd heard the last one.

And they kept trying to moonwalk around Ted after that to poke fun at the words.

A bittersweet smile made its way over his face as he stopped.

They were a great trio and he has no idea as to where he would've been without them.

After they took him away from his family's corpses and helped him greive and get past the traumatic event,
He honestly wasn't sure he would've been able to have done that alone.

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