This is the End...for me and us

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So this is the last hapter, but I don't know where we are going to go on from here.Iam really going to need some feedback if I am going to keep on with my story. Just to let you know there will be a new story coming up soon and Iam going to need people to play characters in the story. Also I will be getting started on doing covers for people again. Te website that I was using has changed it's format so I just found a new one to use. Let me know if you need anything. This chapter may not be the longest since I am wrapping up the story and finishing it off.

*Skyler's Pov*

When I was starting to wake up I heard voices talking in the background. I tried to move, but I seemed to be tied to a chair with rope on my wrist and ankles. The room had a musty damp smell to it. Not musty like eww your underarms stink, but musty like mold in a damp warm place. Another thing about the area I was in was that it was pitch black with only a dim light from a candle coming from outside the room and another candle in  light pot thing on the wall in a corner on my left side. I finally got my eyes to fully open up completely all the way until I could see the whole room. I saw two figures.

"She is waking." I heard a familiar deep, smooth, calming  voice say that sounded  a lot like  my boyfriend Roc.

"Time to go to work." said a ratchet, ghetto female voice.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I asked my voice barely hoarse nd croaky barely above a whisper.

No it couldn't be him. He would never be me. The boy moved closer to the candle. He was about 5'11 and light skinned.  I saw his curly hair, plump lips and chocolate brown eyes. Lastly I saw my silver band that I gave him on our anniversary. It was Chresanto Lorenzo August  in the skin himself standing there.

"Please help me Santo." I cried barely above a wisper. 

"Shut up no one wants to hear your smut self talk." said another voice.

"Like she said nobody wants you." He said adding in his two cents.

I saw Unique come around the corner and smash her lips onto his and the bad part about it was that he didn't pull away or tell her to stop. He deepened the kiss and pulled her legs up onto his waist and pinned her against the wall. They were having full blown dry sex right in front of me. Never mind drop that dry ish because that is not even what it ended up being.

" I told you this was my man." She said after pulling away from the kiss and then going right back at it after she was done talking. 


I couldn't get any words out because I was in to much of a shock to even fully realize what was going on. Why would he even want to hurt me like this? I can't believe I actually thought he was to good for me. I gave him my all and look at how he treats me. He kisses my worst enemy. He lead me on this whole time, but that is ok because is a true bitch. Now all I need to worry about is how the hell I am going to get out of here. I scooted up to see if I could feel my phone and it was still there. I kept moving around until I heard the police station on the other line of the phone.  Chresanto and Unique got all rowdy and they kept threatening me about how no one would every find my body down here after they were done with me and how I would be dead before the sun set. Chresanto untied me and threw me into a really deep pit that was in a room behind bars. There was no way I was getting out of here anytime soon. The pit must have been at east fifteen or ten feet deep. It was made out of really soft dirt so it would be really complicated to try to climb up. I soon remembered I had my phone in pocket and put it to my ear. I heard a message being sent " AN EMERGENCY CREW IS ON YOUR WAY STAY WHERE YOU ARE."

"Did you hear that, she is on her phone." said Unique.

"There is only one thing left to do." I heard Chresanto say.

"We have to kill her." Unique finished.

I heard a gun being pulled from the holster and a clip being loaded into it.

All of a sudden I was being pulled from the pit and I was now on stable ground, but there was a blindfold covering my eyes and rope around my ankles. I couldn't see anything and I wasn't able to move at all. I was like a fish out of water. I heard the safety being taken off of the glock that was pointed towards me. Right before I heard a voice. Then everything went black and I felt a sharp pain inn my stomach and I collapsed tome ground twitching and in complete pain.

"STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR." A male voice screamed, but they were to late the trigger had been pulled and I fell to the ground with blood gushing from  my stomach.


Sooooooooooo.....that's it I guess.

I love my readers. 

Thanks for all the support and votes.

 ~Skye<3 <3 <3 143 ;) 

Diamond In My Eye *Roc Royal/ MB love story* (completed but editing)Where stories live. Discover now