A New Reality, A New Foe

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A 'quick' note:

This was the first story I made. This story I have made on Fanfiction.net, and I wanted it to post it here too. Anybody who's reading, please review, any review is allowed. If you really like any of the chapters, vote them as well (Not mandatory :D but I would like them).


Rainbow Quest belongs to FavreMySabre.

My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro.

There's also an OC someone did let me use in that story, who's the antagonist. But I won't say who it is to avoid spoiling the story, but he is a tad bit bonkers lol. Anyway, enjoy reading this story Wattpad readers :)
A summary before the actual story:

It has been a year since the defeat of Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow. It also has been a year since Celestia and Luna retired and Twilight become ruler of Equestria. With Twilight now being a ruler, she couldn't see her friends as often. Being a ruler also had a lot of responsibility, such as making sure everypony prospered, which Twilight was very good at, but it was also very exhausting. Being a ruler had put a lot of strain on Twilight very recently. One day in the afternoon, the strain became too much for Twilight to handle and she passed out in the middle of the hall that led the the throne room as she was originally walking back to the throne room. She was soon later found unconscious by Flash Sentry. Hs quickly alerted more members of the Royal Guard and they were able to rush Twilight to Ponyville Hospital.

Twilight ending up in hospital was beginning to trend over a lot of the newspapers across Equestria. Everypony was concerned that Twilight may of had a massive heart attack. Later, the doctors in Ponyville Hospital were deeply relieved to find that Twilight didn't suffer a heart attack, just that she had massively overworked herself. Twilight was able to amazingly recover very quickly and was able to leave Ponyville Hospital almost as quickly she got there. Once Twilight got back to Canterlot Castle, it was the evening and she was incredibly tired. Before going to sleep, Cadence offered Twilight if she would like to have a break. Twilight and Cadence then talked about the idea. Twilight was hesitant about taking a break as her duty was being a ruler. Twilight felt like she would let Celestia and Luna down by taking a break and she wanted to show everypony that she was a strong leader that always puts everypony else before herself, just like Celestia and Luna did. However, Cadence noticed just how overworked Twilight was. Cadence knew that Twilight would keep on going until she literally worked herself to death unless persuaded to take a break. Eventually, Cadence manages to convince Twilight to take a break.
(The next day)

From today, Twilight would be taking at least a week off from royal duties. For the week, Cadence would run Equestria on Twilight's behalf.

With the week to have a well deserved rest, Twilight decided to spend her whole week with her friends by doing various different stuff together.

Right now, it was a boiling summers afternoon in Equestria. Twilight and Spike are currently looking for somewhere to have the picnic for her and her friends, walking along a stony path with pebbles and dust that was between Fluttershy's cottage and the rest of Ponyville. Twilight was carrying with her magic a large red and white square picnic blanket as well as 2 picnic baskets, full of food, ranging from apples and sandwiches to cupcakes and sweets. Spike was carrying another basket, that baskets had all the drinks.

"You okay Twilight?" Spike asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Twilight quietly replied.

"What's wrong?" Spike responded with another question, who noticed that Twilight sounded very quiet.

My Little Pony meets Rainbow QuestWhere stories live. Discover now