He Is A Psychopath!

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"Look! I'm telling you! He'll destroy this kingdom!" Elemental Steve exclaimed. But the yellow and violet village leader weren't listening.

"Why should we trust you?" The yellow village leader shouted back to Elemental Steve.

"You destroyed the Green village leader too! We can't trust you!" The Green village leader exclaimed.

"Wait who what?" Sabre replied as he and Twilight walked over to Elemental Steve.

"Uh, what's going on?" Light Steve asked as he, Time Steve, Dark Steve and the rest of the mane 6 came over.

"That steve! The steve that burned the village! He is b-lining towards this kingdom!" Elemental Steve exclaimed. Then just a few moments later, Madness Steve teleported on top of Elemental Steve, badly injuring him with the lightning from teleporting. Meanwhile, Fluttershy hide behind everyone and everypony whilst jittering her teeth out of fear. Madness Steve then flew upwards slightly, hovering roughly 6 blocks off the ground.

"Elemental! No!" Sabre exclaimed as he rushed to Elemental Steve.

"I see you and Twilight spoke to the Great Librarian in the world beyond, Sabre," Said Madness Steve.

"What the... how... how do you know that!?" Sabre freaked out, feeling on edge as he backed away from Madness Steve, taking a few steps back, each delay with each step being slightly different.

"From the Madness Dimension, I see anything when it's dark. It was night. It was dark. By the way, when you hear screaming whilst it's dark, don't look back," Madness Steve chuckled slightly as he replied. Meanwhile, Sabre was left with no other words to say.

"What... wh... where's Spike!? What did you do to him!?" Twilight yelled at Madness Steve.

"This," Madness Steve replied as he wipes the old Yellow Kingdom from existence within an instant and all the steves in it without any effort. Madness Steve then destroys the yellow and violet village leader with a single bolt of lightning.

"No! Why!? Why why why!?" Sabre yelled as he grunted and tries to hit Madness Steve with the Shadow Sword. In response, Madness Steve levitates the Shadow Sword out of Sabre's hand and snapped it in half within an instant, destroying it.

"No! The Shadow Sword! Wait... Dark!" Sabre exclaimed. The darkness that was still lurking around the world began to recede and began to balance around the world. This meant Dark Steve was also receding. Time Steve tried to slow the process down with his time abilities, but Madness Steve's time abilities overwhelmed Time Steve's. Madness Steve then sped up the process. Once Dark Steve was gone, Sabre tried to summon Dark Steve with the Dark Crystal, but shattered the crystal as he tried to summon Dark Steve.

"Pathetic," Madness Steve emotionlessly mocked everyone and everypony with a distorted laugh. Sabre meanwhile could only looked at the Shadow Sword that was on the floor, snapped into 2 peaces. Sabre then picked them up.

"We're... we... we're... not scared... of you... definitely... not... me..." Rainbow Dash stuttered as she slowly stepped forward, either being brave or foolish as well as trying to show no fear in her face. Madness Steve then pauses time, leaving himself and Rainbow Dash unfrozen in time.

"Uh... uh... I take that back!" Rainbow Dash fearfully exclaimed as she now stepped backwards, looking at everyone and everypony else, who was frozen in time. The expression on her face went from fearless to petrified. Madness Steve then froze Rainbow Dash in place. Madness Steve began to walk close to Rainbow Dash, holding out a lava-looking sword with obsidian-like edges around what looked like lava and then held it very close to Rainbow Dash's throat. Rainbow Dash gulped as she closed her eyes and wept, hoping Madness Steve wouldn't do what she thought he would do. This was becoming way too much. Madness Steve isn't like Tirek, Chrysalis or Cozy Glow or any bad guy she and everypony else had faced, Madness Steve is generally a psychopath. Madness Steve is something even worse than evil. At first, Rainbow Dash thought Madness Steve was just another bad guy needed to be put in place, but no, Madness Steve is in a totally different league. Madness Steve is worse than some random, petty bad guy. Madness Steve is so awful that Rainbow Dash couldn't even think of anything to describe Madness Steve.

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