Home Of The First Curse

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Once Discord inspected the area, and sees no threat to Sabre, the elite Colourless Guard and the mane 6, he teleported them to the location as well.

They are in a massive swamp, that is also a mix of a forest. The area is mostly roofed over by leaves of tall oak trees. But the trees didn't look like natural oak trees, but they've still been around for a very long time. On the ground, there is an eroded path of gravel, podzol and course dirt blocks. Ahead, there is a lake of water, cutting between the roughed up path, that had deteriorated over time.

"So... where are we?" Sabre asked Discord. Sabre makes a full 360 turn, to look at his surroundings. To him, this place definitely didn't feel natural.

"If you continue down that path, you should find the Unnamed. I must go and try stop Madness Steve from coming here for as long as I can. If he gets to the armour, it will be very bad." Discord soon teleports away, with the snap of his fingers on his eagle hand. For a few more seconds, everyone just tries to come to terms what they saw at the outpost. That memory will live with them for a very long time. The mane 6 just don't get how Sabre copes with so much trauma, and then shrugs it off shortly after. Sabre must've been through so much, and may even had to work alone a lot of the time, and yet he still comes out on top. That is a strength the mane 6 will struggle to ever understand, going through psychological trauma, then quickly move on. All the mane 6 can do is admire Sabre's mental and psychological resistance. Sabre must have had to go through a lot of this to get used to it, which would've been rough. However, they have no time to think about that, they have to keep moving forward.

"Sabre, why do the bad guys here have to be... so ominous?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I don't know- Well, Tirek seems ominous if you ask me," Sabre replied.

"Okay, let's compare the names. 'Tirek'... and then there's 'The Unnamed'. The Unnamed sounds way more ominous Sabre," Rainbow Dash responded back.

"You okay Fluttershy?" Pinkie Pie asked. She noticed Fluttershy is feeling anxious about this area.

"The trees, it's all roofed over. It reminds me of the Everfree Forest. But, something about this forest seems... off. The presence here, it's like nothing is here- I don't know how to put it."

"Yeah I agree, it seems odd Fluttershy," Sabre responded with his views of this place. This forest, swamp, whatever you like to call it, it definitely seems odd. Everyone was about to cross the river by swimming, but Twilight teleports everyone to the other side.

"I mean- I know that forests are obviously, y'know, old. But, this one specifically seems ancient. It seems like no one's been here for a while..

whoever was here in the first place." Sabre, the elite Colourless Guard and the mane 6 began to slowly walk down the path, where hills form and the path goes into a small valley of sorts. The place just got even more odd and creepy the deeper they ventured in the forest. They then make a right turn, and continue walking.

"Sabre, what do we do if Madness comes here too?" The elite Colourless Guard asked.

"That's a great question- Well look, I mean, I may not know how to use Madness' powers on this sword to it's full extent, but it should still be enough... well, I hope it will be enough- I mean, if things really get out of hand... well, out of hoof for you six I guess, we can just teleport away. At least we should be able to get away. I wouldn't worry about it," Sabre replied, making pauses and stutters in his response. He actually doesn't know what he will do if Madness Steve does come here.

"However though, we must find the Unnamed before Madness does. Let's continue-" As Sabre was looking up at the top of the hills, to the left side, he sees something red peaking over, and then darts off. However, Sabre just about notices them, and begins yelling to everyone as he begins climbing up the hill with haste, block by block, still on the path.

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