Sabre's Mission

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"Hey Indigo," Sabre greeted.

"Hi Sabre, where is Light, and the ponies?" The Indigo Leader asked.

"Oh, Twilight and that are in Equestria, looking for possible magic that might be useful against Madness. Light is making sure that the Colourless Guard is on high alert in all of the kingdoms, ready to evacuate the steves if Madness shows up. Time is in the Time Dimension looking over this world and the world the ponies come from, ready to take us out of a sticky situation," Sabre explained.

"Ah okay, what about you? What are you doing?" The Indigo Leader replied with another question.

"Well... you remember Spike, right?" Sabre replied back.

"Yes, that little purple dragon," The Indigo Leader answered.

"There was also this unicorn who was also destroyed by Madness. She is called Dinky. Dinky... uh, according to Derpy, who you don't know... Dinky is only a filly, a unicorn," Sabre continued on.

"Okay, okay, where are you going with this?" The Indigo Leader questioned Sabre, curious as to where Sabre was going with this.

"Have you sensed Spike and a unicorn getting destroyed? Did they go to the world beyond?" Sabre then asked.

"No, but I have sensed two portals open in this world, and didn't connect to locations outside this reality. I sensed Spike going through one of them, so the one that gone through the other portal must be whoever 'Dinky' in. But I don't know where the portals went, but it wasn't to the world beyond," The Indigo Leader answered.

"That means- No... they can't of been..." Sabre said to himself, realizing the only other possible place Spike and Dinky may be in, the world below.

"Right, I've got to go, thank you, Indigo," Sabre replied as he summoned a few strikes of lighting with the Shadow Sword to teleport where he first met Professor Red, by the portal to the world below that's next to a spruce wooden hut of sorts in a swamp that's in the middle of nowhere. Sabre stood and gazed upon the portal.

"Do I dare open the portal again?" Sabre said to himself, breathing heavily, remembering when the Demon Steves were the problem. Sabre then looks at the spruce hut and spots a salmon at the side of the door. He walks over to the salmon and picks it up, then puts it in the item frame above the portal.

"Am I really going to do this?" Sabre said to himself a few times, shaking as he was about to put his hands over the lever, hesitating to pull it.

"I must do this. The longer they're in the world below, the more bad it will be," Sabre said as he pulls the lever, activating the portal.

"Okay, here goes nothing. Spike! Dinky! I'm coming for you two!" Sabre yelled as he walked into the portal.
Sabre is teleported to the stand made of nether bricks and basalt bricks, with some magma blocks here and there. Sabre then finds himself surrounded by 5 Demon Steves, trying to warp and reset Sabre's reality, but their attempts were unsuccessful, because Sabre had the darkness in the Shadow Sword. Sabre manages to destroy each Demon Steve with just a few swings of the Shadow Sword.

"Thank goodness I have the Shadow Sword or I would've caused the Demons to be a problem again and Madness is a problem as it is and we don't need more problems right now," Sabre said to himself, following a path made of crimson nylium and netherrack, with some fire outlining the edges of the path.

"Woah... I thought I'd never come back and see this place. Last time I was here was... was when I fought Void," Sabre said as he looks around the red foggy mist that fitted with the scorching air, different casts of lava flowing down from above the ceiling of the world below.

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