One Last Thing To Fix

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"What do you mean Hypno?" Sabre questioned.

"Ah ha ha heh... oh hohowo... Twilightightightight alreadyeyeye guessedwdwd itititrtrtrrr, andnd she was rightwasrightrtrtrrrr!" Hypno Steve replied, raising the volume of his voice.

"What? Huh- No...-"

"Yeseses Twilightightightwtwtrtrrr, yeseseses... that's whyThe loop has been brokenand now everythingingingng willililwlwl fall apart-"

"Not exactly," A voice said behind everyone. Everyone turns around, and sees Origin Steve and the First Curse.

"Origin- First Curse- You two are fine!? I thought you were destroyed!" Sabre exclaimed.

"We were, but now we're back... you've done it. You all have done it. You all done something we couldn't of done. But there is one more thing left we all have to work together to fix," Origin Steve stated.

"I thought you said you were... cursed or something, right Origin Steve?" Pinkie Pie pointed out.

"Well... I was, but when things were descending into madness, the First Curse lifted the paradoxical curse placed upon me. My continued existence has given this universe the strong building blocks, and which the steves and beings have... unknowingly used, to create their fabric of reality, in which... they call their own. The First Curse was the one who lifted that curse off of me, which is why I'm able to continue existing, but it removed the reason for this loop to exist, meaning everything will still unravel... a paradoxical catch twenty two. Everything that happened since the curse was first placed will cease to have ever existed. This universe, will begin to return to the state it once was, a place without steves, power... must rebalanced. I can clarify that the ponies won't be directly affected, but they'll lose any memory of meeting the steves, as all this will cease... to of ever happened," Origin Steve explained.

"Wait... we'll forget ponies and steves ever met!?" Rarity exclaimed, everypony gasping afterwards.

"We don't want to forget Sabre and the steves!" Scootaloo cried.

"There is a way to stop that from happening... Scootaloo," The First Curse responded.

"What is it we need to do?" Starlight asked, looking at the First Curse.

"To kick-start the loop back up," The First Curse replied.

"I thought Madness becoming Calmness again would fix it! So why isn't everything fixed!?" Sabre exclaimed.

"Calmness Steve... has reversed everything he has done as Madness Steve. He, as Madness Steve, hasn't interfered with the loop... until now. Now he is no longer Madness and is back to Calmness, he will reverse everything he caused... literally everything. He is letting time correct itself. You were the key to all of this Sabre, but the door has been broken," Origin Steve explained.

"But I don't get it! We reformed Madness back to Calmness! This should've saved everybody! Does this mean we were doomed to lose from the beginning, no matter what!?" Sabre exclaimed.

"No, you've done everything right, up until now Sabre. You followed the right path, and you've made the right decisions. But, there is still more that must be done," Origin Steve replied.

"Wouldn't that mean Madness Steve slash Calmness Steve would cease to exist?" Twilight asked.

"It won't affect him, as he was created long before I was, before any reality existed," Origin Steve replied.

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