Problems Arise

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It had been 2 days since the mane 6 and Spike ended up a very long way away from their reality. Cadence is now getting worried for them. She knew that Twilight was taking a week-long break from ruling Equestria, but she hasn't heard anything back from her and even more worryingly, none of her friends either. They were nowhere to be seen and it is only just 5 days until Twilight is meant to take charge again. It caused Cadence so much distress that she even went as far as to call Celestia and Luna back from retirement. It was currently night time and the 3 alicorns were having a meeting in the throne room at Canterlot Castle. Discord also turned up to the meeting as the details concerned him, which was that the mane 6 and Spike had gone missing, which meant Fluttershy was also missing. Unbeknownst to Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Discord though, Madness Steve was observing the entirety of Equestria, an entity they have absolutely no idea about or even know that exists.

"How long have Twilight and her friends been missing Cadence?" Luna asked.

"They've been gone for at least a day or two. I haven't heard anything from them since Twilight started her break. Since then, I and even Discord had to be rotating day to night, and night to day!" Cadence replied, getting noticeably more antsy.

"Since hearing about this, I've looked everywhere and they are nowhere to be seen!" Discord exclaimed.

"Do you think we had put all this responsibility on Twilight too early and she wanted to get away from everything, which might be why she and her friends gone missing?" Celestia wondered.

"No, Twilight would never leave us so worried like this. I had to even have a lengthy conversation with Twilight to take a break. I would've at least heard something back from them by now," Cadence responded, looking down to the floor, only able to hope they were okay at the very least.

"But this makes no sense, what caused their disappearance? Why have they just vanished into thin-air?" Luna replied.

"Discord, are you sure that you've looked everywhere in Equestria?" Celestia questioned Discord.

"Yeah of course I have! They're literally nowhere to be seen! None of them I cannot find, meaning I cannot Fluttershy!" Discord exclaimed.

"What do we do now? We have five days until Twilight is meant to take charge again. If she doesn't return by then... how will we break the news to everypony?" Cadence asked everypony in general.

"The only option we have is to look ourselves. This is very odd. Something feels strange, not right, and unsettling," Celestia replied. The other 3 nodded in agreement as they began to look in separate areas of Equestria. As soon as the 4 separated to go looking in different areas.
All of a sudden, Discord gets conked out. He then sees some kind of entity made of cubes and oblongs knocked him unconscious with seemingly nothing and it was projecting itself into his mind. Discord saw the entity and the background was made entirely of lava. Discord tried to wake up, but couldn't. It was as if he was suffering from sleep paralysis.

"You can't wake up, so stop trying," The entity chuckled. Discord then looks towards at the entity.

"Who... or what... are you?" Discord wondered, with his lion hand, his right hand, above his eyes from the bright molten lava background, glaring at the entity. The background was so bright that the entity appeared almost completely black. The entity then moved forwards, getting nearer to Discord. The closer the entity got to Discord, it's appearance got clearer and clearer. When the appearance of the entity became clear, Discord could make out the entity's appearance. The entity is completely pitch black, having pitch black hair and had several dots and dashes of different shades of grey all over his body. He has grey fingers and had orange feet as well as having orange eyes with red pupils and having a dark grey mouth and a light grey nose.

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