Ch 11: Duel Between Former Brothers

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Anakin: "What's wrong?"

Optimus: "We learned that the Decepticons are up to something here with Energon, and we're being pinned down by Decepticon air support and we can't afford to call in our own air support, but smaller fighters should be able to slip past them and what better pilot do we have on our side."

Anakin: "Alright, I'll head to your location. Which planet are you on?"

Optimus: "The planet named Geonosis. I'll send you the coordinates."

Anakin: "No need, I'm familiar."

The transmission ceased as Anakin couldn't believe he was about to return to Geonosis after all this time as he planned on bringing Ahsoka along but when he pasted Izuku's room, he opened the door slightly as he saw Izuku sleeping with his girlfriends as Anakin saw how happy Ahsoka looked in her sleep as he decided to bring along Luke and Mara.

Anakin found the two training as he got them up to speed as they went for their personal star fighters and took off for Geonosis.

Meanwhile, The Autobots were in the process of fending off the Decepticons air squad and given Geonosis is mostly desert, kind of hard to find cover as they had to improvise as Optimus was behind cover alongside his brother, Ultra Magnus.

Ultra Magnus: "You sure Skywalker will be able to reach us?"

Optimus: "Have some faith in him Magnus."

Ultra Magnus: "It's not that I don't have faith in him Optimus, it's just do you think he'll be able to get past all those Decepticons?"

Optimus: "He will, I know it."

Ultra Magnus: "If you say so brother. I just don't know if we can win this."

Optimus: "Remember, we just need to buy Bumblebee, Hot Rod and Sideswipe time to found out what Megatron has going on here."

Meanwhile Anakin, Luke and Mara arrived out Geonosis' atmosphere as Anakin looked at the planet and recalled some unpleasant memories.

Luke: "So, this is were it all began."

Anakin: "Yes, everything that led up to The Empire started here."

Mara: "Didn't you lose your hand here too?"

Luke laughed a bit as Anakin ignored it as the three entered the planet's atmosphere  activating their cloaking devices as they saw multiple Decepticon cruisers along countless seekers as they scaned the cruisers and found the one that would have Optimus to call in air support when destroyed.

Anakin: "All right, focus our attacks on that cruisers. That goes down, clear skys."

Mara: "Right."

Luke: "This is where the fun begins."

The three began their attacks as they started blasting Cons out of the sky as Luke keep dodging and weaving between the cons while Mara focused on taking down the cruiser while Anakin was providing cover fire.

Mara managed to maneuver around the ships weapons along with the seeker drones as she started showing off her flying skills by tricking one drone into flying into one of the ships guns as she fired two torpedoes at the shield generators.

Meanwhile, one of Megatron's lieutenants Soundwave saw their star fighters appear on their radar.

Soundwave: "Lord Megatron, three ships suddenly showed up on our radar."

Megatron: "How could we have missed the Aerialbots?"

Anakin: "Remember me Megs?"

Megatron's optics widen as he recognized Anakin's voice and snarled.

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