Ch 16: Bleeding

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After the 'heroes' brush with The Decepticons, Malty was properly introduced to them by Vader and naturally, Malty thought the Cons were beneath her even though they're all like 30 feet tall as Megatron was extremely annoyed by her disrespect but Vader managed to prevent things from escalating as he told Malty to show Megatron the same level of respect as she shows him, which she reluctantly agreed to.

Actually, in the past few dozen training sessions, Malty had her ego was basically shattered in a billion tiny pieces as she constantly kept get put in her place, either by Vader, Starkiller or Palpatine himself.

One such training session had Malty and the L.O.V have to fight Starkiller together in order to work on their cooperation in battle and it went completely south, fast.

AFO, Shigaraki, Dabi and Twice all rushed Starkiller at once without even coming up with a plan as Spinner and Compress were the only ones to think of a plan as Malty did absolutely nothing, thinking that she'd be able to strike Starkiller when he's exhausted by fending them off.

And it was barely difficult. Starkiller was able to block all their attacks with ease and the fact they were barely using The Force and were relying on their sabers and quirks pissed Starkiller off as he decided to fight back only using The Force to show them it's true power.

Starkiller grabbed Twice and slammed him hard into the ground then fired Force Lightning at Dabi as he blocked it with his lightsaber as he smirked, thinking he got him but Starkiller used The Force to turn off Dabi's saber as the burned chicken nugget got blasted with Force Lightning which surprisingly didn't burn him more as he them went flying into a wall.

Shigaraki then went apeshit and tried to rush Starkiller but he just used The Force to knock him out as AFO tried his luck as Spinner and Compress started to make a move as Spinner used his quirk to kept jumping on and off walls to keep Starkiller on his feet while Compress threw used some of his marbles that contained hazzards to surprise Starkiller.

He was able to dodge the 3-way onslaught as he grabbed AFO's wrist, twisted it and threw him against the ground and walls using The Force with such strength that AFO'S mask broke.

He was able to dodge the 3-way onslaught as he grabbed AFO's wrist, twisted it and threw him against the ground and walls using The Force with such strength that AFO'S mask broke

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Starkiller: "No wonder you hide behind a mask. At least I am still able to see normally under this thing."

Starkiller was then able to focus in defending himself from Spinner and Compress and to his surprise, they actually are doing well than the league members that are objectively stronger than him as Spinner was able to slash Starkiller's shoulder pad which really surprised him.

Starkiller then dispatched them both and right before he could complement them, Malty tried to attack him with his back turned as he ignited his lightsaber as his blade clashed against Malty's blue blade as he pushed her back as she fired a blast of fire at Starkiller which he counted with Force Lightning.

After a brief clash, Starkiller over powered Malty's fire as she tried to slash him but he jumped over him and kicked her in the back as she fell to the floor, dropping her lightsaber upon impact as Starkiller placed his foot on her chest.

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