Chapter Two: The Dark Within

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The Thirteen Primes were all gathered around in their tower. Prima stood as the others remained seated.

"My fellow Primes I have summoned you all here today for an important reason. With the coming civilization, we know they will be looking to us for guidance. I believe it would be best if we designated positions for us to specialize in. Raise your hand if you agree," Prima spoke.

The Primes all raise their hands.

"Good. Each of you shall speak a position you desire and why. There may be multiple of us in a similar position. I shall start us off. I will write the laws of coming civilization," Prima began.

"I will interpret the laws so that they may be fair and balanced," Vector spoke.

"I shall codify them and record them. I shall also record the history and coming tales of the civilization so they may never forget what happened in their past," spoke Alpha Trion.

"I shall oversee construction," Solus stated.

"I can help with mapping stars and systems. It is likely we need to visit other system and colonize worlds should we need the resources," Micronus stated.

"I will assist in the sciences," Alchemist spoke.

"I can track down resources we can use," said Nexus.

"I shall be a spiritual guide. One to help the coming civilization be in contact with their creator," Onyx replied.

"I shall help oversee industry in that the grand cities that will be built shall have power," Amalgamous spoke.

"I shall oversee the sciences as well, but specifically in biology. Should we encounter any alien life, it would be interesting to see the forms they come in and maybe, should others be like us, conduct experiments to understand the similarities and differences," Quintus stated.

"I can assist in information. With this I can gather data and share it so that the coming civilization is informed," said Liege Maximo.

"I shall oversee military. Quintus spoke of alien life. If that life is hostile, we will need a force to stop it and keep home safe," Megatronus spoke.

"Lastly, I shall be a representative of the people. Should there be conflict amongst themselves or they deem a law unfair, I shall bring the issue before all of you," Optimus replied.

"Now that our positions are stated, are there any disagreements?" Prima asked.

None of the Primes spoke.

"Very well. Now that this matter is settled, you are all dismissed."

Shortly after the meeting, the Primes gathered in small groups. Megatronus noticed who was all together. Prima, Vector, and Alpha Trion were talking. Micronus was speaking with Onyx and Optimus. Alchemist with Amalgamous. Nexus with Solus. Megatronus saw Solus and Nexus speak. As he watched, he saw the two of them smile. He clenched his fist tightly.

"What is this feeling? This...anger," Megatronus says to himself "I have seen the others speak to Solus and I have had no problem before. Why now? Unless" he touches marks from his wound in the battle with Unicron. He turns around and hurriedly walks down the hall when he Liege Maximo and Quintus step into his path.

"What do you two want?" he asked.

"No need to be so hostile Megatronus. We simply wanted to speak with you," Liege Maximo replies calmly.

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