Bonding time

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It has been a few weeks since I arrived in New Orleans and I found myself in the constant presence of Marcel and his group of vampires. Some, especially the females, were less than happy to have someone so close to their leader, it made it worse when they found out I was a witch. On a few occasions, I had to show them the consequences of messing with a core witch. Marcel, despite it being his group of vampires, found himself extremely amused by me putting them in their place and at times, pushed for some unnecessary drama.

As we grew closer, I began to feel as if I had an older brother, who was ridiculously protective and yet, continued to be flirtatious. Truth be told, I wasn't aware that vampires could even blush and it came as a shock when I began to tease him, which resulted in a very flustered, old vampire. Thierry and Diago, who is Marcel's closest friends, tend to spend a lot of their time at my manor and quite frankly, made themselves right at home, not that I mind. I rather enjoy the trio's company.

I was currently on my couch, a warm cover over my body to help with the cold that had struck New Orleans, with a cup of hot chocolate in my hands. I was so focused on the movie that was currently playing, that I failed to hear the three pairs of footsteps that were approaching. It wasn't until I felt the spot on the couch beside me, dip, that I realised I had company.

"Gentlemen, how can I help you?" I asked softly, though I kept my eyes on the screen.

"Can't we come and see our favourite witch?" Diego responded with a flirtatious smirk, making me scoff as I turned toward them.

"You are aware that means very little, especially when you hate all witches in the French Quarter" They exchanged sheepish looks, making me laugh once again.

"You're still our favourite," Thierry said, though I can see he didn't mean it. I knew he was in a relationship with one of the witches, he wasn't necessarily secretive about it, though he did try his best to hide it from the other vampires, especially from Marcel. Such a forbidden romance and yet, I found it extremely sweet.

"Well, thank you. You're my favourite vamps" He smiled cheekily, making them chuckle as Marcel wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Not that I don't love your company, because it's fanatic and all but... What do you want?" I asked once again as I was unable to focus on the movie. Marcel pursed his lips in a thinkable expression before rubbing the back of his neck in what seemed to be nerves. I felt somewhat alarmed and placed my mug on the coffee table, I rotated my body so I was facing the three vampires, who all wore the same looks.

"What is it? Did someone hurt you? Do I have to kill someone?" I asked frantically, completely missing the affectionate but abused smiles on their faces.

"No one hurt us, darling, and you don't need to kill anyone" I let out a sigh of relief but then frowned in confusion.

"Okay, then what?"

"The witches are up to something, and we don't know what" I nodded my head in understanding, gesturing for them to continue.

"You know they caused a lot of trouble a few years ago and we only managed to save one of the young witches from the sacrifice" The temperature dropped and my magic was unleashed as I remembered the conversation I had with Marcel a few weeks ago. Davina was lucky enough to be saved, unfortunately, the other young witches were killed in what they thought was a ritual to renew their ancestry magic. My eyes burned into the wood of the coffee table, feeling the anger increase at the thought of innocent children being killed for some superstition. In the wizarding world, children were special and treated as such, even if there were some families that for whatever reason, abused their children one way or another.

"You think they are planning to do it again?" I question through gritted teeth before turning to the trio, who seemed hesitant to answer.

Their silence, however, gave me all the answers I needed. I let out a frustrated groan and ripped the cover off of me, revealing my silky shorts and cropped vest top. I could feel their eyes following my every move, but my frustration was the only thing I could focus on at that moment in time. With a single twirl, my outfit transformed into tight blue jeans, a baggy band top, Sirius' old leather jacket and some converse trainers.

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