Elijah Mikaelson

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It was early the next morning when the group realised there was something wrong. Jeremy had noticed that Elena's bed was empty and had not been slept in the night before, he thought she spent the night at Stefan's and confronted him about it at school but much to their confusion, they had both last seen her at the ball and not a single moment afterwards.

Of course, this got Stefan and Jeremy in a panic and had decided to call Damon, knowing he was with Raven, George and Fred before meeting with Bonnie in Alaric's classroom. It wasn't long until they all arrived, though it was pretty clear that something was interrupted by the frustrated scowl on both Damon's and Georges' faces.

"So you're telling me that Elena stormed off last night after her tantrum and has not been seen since?" Fred said as he looked around the classroom curiously, not ever seeing what a muggle school looked like. It was pretty clear that he adored Hogwarts a lot more than the so-called school that he was standing in currently.

"Yes, and we need to figure out how to track her" Stefan responded, looking at those who have magic with pleading eyes. Bonnie simply refused to help Elena, especially after the way she treated her new parents, whilst the twins and Raven exchanged glances.

"You want us to track her? The girl who has been nothing but a spoiled brat since we arrived?" George said with a clear tone of distaste but Raven's attention was on Jeremy, who had not stopped pacing since they arrived in the room. She could tell he was scared and worried, and despite not liking Elena, she will not allow this young man to be without any more family. With a heavy sigh, which caught everyone's attention, she turned to Stefan who was leant over a large map of America and looked him deep in the eye.

"I'll do it but not for her, but for Jeremy and you" This caught Jeremy by surprise but he smiled thankfully at her, knowing that she was doing this despite her feelings towards his sister. Stefan let out a relieved smile with a nod before she approached the map.

"Jer, I need a couple drops of your blood, if that's okay," She asked softly, he seemed hesitant for a few moments before nodding his head and accepting the knife that George had conjured up. He pressed the tip of the sharp blade to the pad of his pointer finger and allowed some blood to drip onto the map, Raven instantly began to chant and everyone in the room began to feel an electric type feel in the air, but only those who have powers know it's her magic. They all watched as the blood began to move to a certain location, though it didn't pinpoint exactly where she was but only the general area.

"Can't we get a more in-depth reading?" Stefan asked worriedly, sighing in defeat when Raven shook her head.

"How about I just use google maps, it will show what's around that area" Jeremy suggested and earned approved smiles and nods from those who knew what he was talking about, of course, the twins looked at one another in clear confusion but decided not to comment, there wasn't time for any explanations. After a few moments, he was able to find an abandoned manor that was quite literally in the middle of nowhere.

"That's our best bet," Damon said to his brother, who once again sighed and nodded, patting Jeremy on the shoulder with a small smile.

"Let's go" Damon, Stefan and Jeremy began to walk to the door but once Stefan saw the younger boy with them, he stopped.

"You can't come"

"I have to! She's my sister" Jeremy shouted in desperation, Raven exchanged sad looks with the others but they all agreed that having him, a human, to get Elena who most likely got kidnapped by vampires, would cause more issues than anything.

"Jeremy, we completely understand that you want to come and save your sister but what happens if you get hurt? Elena won't be able to live with the guilt of that happening" Raven said as she grabbed his hands in hers, he was looking down at her with a small frown but she could see he was thinking deeply about what she said. After a few moments, he let out a sigh and nodded his head.

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