Niklaus or Alaric?

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The weather had warmed immensely in mystic falls and the group of supernaturals were making the most of it. Stefan had decided to have a small get-together at the boarding house, the reason was unknown but none of them ever refused a party and they weren't about to start now.

Raven was dressed in a red sun dress with golden sandals and she decided to keep her hair up in a high ponytail and made no attempt to add any make-up, especially when she knows the heat would ruin it.

She drove to the boarding house with Fred, George, Elijah, Tyler and Bonnie, all looking forward to spending the day together with their friends, especially Caroline and Matt, who they haven't seen much of recently.

"Honey, I'm home" Raven sings out as she enters the Salvator's home. The others chuckle at her behaviour and make their way through the house to the garden, Raven, on the other hand, goes to the large family room for a glass of whiskey.

"Baby" She turns and a large smile appears on her face when she sees Damon walking towards her. She jumps into his arms, her legs wrapped around him and instantly pulls him into a heated kiss.

"I missed you" she whispers as she lays her forehead against his. His hands wander to her arse and squeeze it, making her giggle.

"I miss you too, beautiful. I have some unfortunate news though" He sighed as he settled her back onto the floor, his hands moving to her waist whilst hers remains around his neck.

"Oh no, what happened?"

"Elena is here" She buried her face into his chest and let out a groan, knowing there was going to be some sort of drama at some point today. Their attention was drawn towards the front door that opened and shut, they walked to the hallway and smiled as they noticed it was Alaric. However, almost instantly Raven could feel and see something was different about him, he walked with more confidence and his attire was smarter and more put-together than he usually wore.

"Looking good, Al" She complimented with a tilt of her head, making him snap his head towards her. His eyes widened slightly as he not so subtly checked her out before shaking his head and placing a smile on his face.

"Thank you, I thought I'd try something different" He responded and walked towards Damon, who was holding out a glass of bourbon for him. Raven watched his every move, she knew for a fact that this was not Alaric, perhaps it was his body but most definitely not his consciousness. She decided to wait and observe, she wanted to see what his behaviour would be like before making any decision. They went to join the others in the garden and her face lit up when she noticed her favourite blonde vamp standing by the drink table.

"Caroline!" a wide smile formed on the blonde's face and she sped over to Raven, bringing her into a warm embrace. When they pulled away, she noticed just how happy Caroline looked, it was clear that her relationship was going extremely well.

"Oh my God, you look so pretty!" The energetic vamp complimented, making Raven laugh and spin on the spot, showing off her outfit.

"Thank you! You look gorgeous, little vamp" Raven cooed, making the blonde giggle shyly.

"Come on, let's join the others"

It's been a few hours since they arrived at the Salvator's residence and apart from Elena's constant whining and attempts at flirting with all males at the party, it was going extremely well. Raven kept a close eye on Alaric and as the second hour struck, she was one hundred percent sure that it was not Alaric. The sun was setting and they were all sitting around the fire pit, drinks in hand and bellies full of delicious food.

"Are you okay, Elijah? You seem a little distracted today?" Caroline asked the original vampire, who had been rather quiet and lost in thought throughout the evening.

"I'm quite alright, Miss Forbs. I've just got a lot on my mind, that is all" Raven smiled softly at his politeness, she found it rather endearing and it most definitely went perfectly with his smart attire and charming personality.

"Is this about your brother, Klaus?" Elena asked nosily, gaining some disapproving looks from those around her but she either didn't see it or completely ignored them.

"You must understand Miss Gilbert, my brother is a complicated man and our past is a long one. When we first turned and he made his first kill, a secret was revealed, one that my mother never intended to come out. My mother had an affair with one of the local werewolves, resulting in Niklaus being conceived-"

"The original hybrid" Raven whispered to herself but those with enhanced hearing looked at her with questionable expressions. Elijah smiled at his beautiful mate and nodded his head, confirming what she had said.

"Yes, Niklaus is a hybrid and my mother had kept that part of him locked away until he had turned into a vampire. For centuries, he has tried to find a way to unlock the part of himself that will allow him to make more of his kind, it so happens that the doppelganger has to die for him to accomplish that" Elena let out a gasp and clung to Stefan's arm, making the vampire roll his eyes, though he was still rather worried about the girl, who despite all her faults, was still at one point, his first true love.

"So, you're telling me that your brother has been trying to unlock a part of himself that your mother, a witch, had kept under lock and key ever since he was a child?" Raven's heart ached for the hybrid, who had been lied to since he was a child and had only unlocked a part of himself, most likely feeling more of his true self being caged away.

"Yes, darling" Elijah could see the wheels turning in his mate's mind, she had her thinking face on which was adorable and yet, extremely attractive to him.

"Are you thinking-"
"What we are thinking?" The group noticed a certain look in the twin's eyes, it was as if they could see and hear everything that Raven was thinking.

"He doesn't need the doppelganger, I know a way for him to unlock it without going through all that trouble," No one noticed the disbelief in a certain man's eyes nor the ever so slight hope that he was feeling. No one, except Raven, of course.

"All he needs to do is come forward" She looked right at Alaric, never once looking away from the intense stare-off that the two were having. He raised an eyebrow and his lips twitched into a smile but didn't make a sound.

They all simply went back to enjoying their evening, not once suspecting that Niklaus was amongst them.

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