{Part 1}

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"You know what I heard Dia?" My naggy ass best friend said while we were walking through the college hallways to find our respective classrooms. I rolled my eyes "Of course I don't know Alia, what is it?" I asked slightly annoyed, because how would i know what she heard if she's not me and I'm not her?! I thought.

"Damn Dia, there's no need to have an attitude sheesh! You're literally no fun. Anywaysssss as I was saying before you rudely interrupted me, I heard the principal's daughter Dua Lipa would be joining us for this year's school academy!"

She said cheerfully as I skeptically looked at her and i muttered a little "and" putting my hand on my hip, staring intensely at her and waiting for whatever reply she's going to come up with.

"I mean... isn't that amazing?! I saw her picture the other day at the principal's office and damn she's beautiful..!" She dreamily talked about this Dua girl and it was really starting to irritate me.

But I let her finish talking cause I didn't want to burst her little bubble.

"And you know what I heard also," she asked wide-eyed taking my hands in hers "I heard she's an upcoming model, and to top it off her father owns this big university and two other famous highschools, which makes him one of the richest man in the city!"

She kept going on and on and on... not knowing where and when to stop. "Like how does it feel to be living my dream!?? She's all I wanna be so ba-" that's it I've heard enough!

"Can you please shut up Alia! My Godddddd, you're here fangirling over a spoilt, rich little brat early in the morning as if she's some world famous superstar or something." I took my hand away from hers and started walking to class.

"She's just an ordinary human being like you and me so chill." I turned my head to look at her with a small smile because she was walking close by me.

"Besides, that Dua girl may be pretty and all but not like my best friend Alia," I put my arm around her shoulder while we both had this big ass smiles plastered all over our faces.

I just wanted her to stop comparing herself with other people. She has a weird habit of doing that. She should learn to appreciate and cherish what she has whether it's small or big. I know it's kinda hard sometimes, but it is what it is.

She was the first one to reach her class because we don't do the same courses, so we bid our goodbyes and planned to see each other during Breaktime. After two classrooms later, I finally reached my class.

Minutes later, everyone got settled down in their specific seats and the lecturer started his lectures.

Halfway through class, there was a small knock at the classroom door and the lecturer opened the door only to find out that it was our so called principal. He was followed by a very beautiful young girl, her facial expression looked like as if she was forced to be here.

The principal and the lecturer had a little private convo about whatever before the principal started walking out the classroom and giving a small smile to the girl he came with and walked outside. The girl literally just rolled her eyes. Okay but what's her problem? Why is she behaving like such a bitch tho?


𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑻𝒐𝒙𝒊𝒄 𝑹𝒐𝒐𝒎𝑚𝒂𝒕𝒆| 𝐃𝐮𝐚 𝐋𝐢𝐩𝐚Where stories live. Discover now