Part {19}

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Yesterday night? What does he mean by yesterday night?? Dua was with me yesterday.

Wait- no no no no it can't be! Was it around the time she told me she was going for a smoke?

What the hell? I know Dua is an unpredictable human being, but I never thought she could stoop so low.

I feel so disrespected. She could've kissed or fuck anyone any other day but not just that day.
Not after what we did.

"Hey your phone won't stop buzzing." Hakim voice echoed in my ears making me bounce back to reality and away from my thoughts. "Yeah its probably nothing important." I replied with a fake smile.

I saw the lecturer walking into class and jumping straight into teaching.

"You good?" I felt Hakim's eyes scanning the corner of my face. No I'm not good! I just wanna fucking cry right now. "Of course!" I fake smiled again.

"Good." He smiles. My phone was buzzing non-stop so i had to put it off cause Dua is the least person I want to talk to or see right now.

I took my notebook out and at the process of taking my pen out of my bag it fell under the desk.

I bent down to pick my pen when i heard a loud slam on my desk. I quickly raised my head up to see what was going on and my eyes were met with a pair of brown ones. The ones that i know all too well. It was Dua's.

"Why the fuck were you not fucking replying to my texts and calls!" She screams alerting the whole class and even startling the life out of me.

She seemed so angry, like really angry.

"Yo what the hell is up with you?!" Hakim asked her also pissed at her behaviour.

"No what the actual fuck is wrong with you bro? This is between me and her so why the fuck are you getting involved lover boy?" Dua shot back and the whole class bursts out laughing.

Why is she doing this here?

"I gotta remind y'all that I'm still in class and I deserve some respect!" The lecturer complained.

"Dua please don't do this here, please..." I tried to reason with her but she couldn't care a less. "Then where the fuck am I suppose to do it Dia?" She asked intimidating me.

"No tell me." She towers over me and looked over at Hakim who was also giving her a deadly stare.

"Oh I see.... it's because of him right?!" She asked sounding extremely furious.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑻𝒐𝒙𝒊𝒄 𝑹𝒐𝒐𝒎𝑚𝒂𝒕𝒆| 𝐃𝐮𝐚 𝐋𝐢𝐩𝐚Where stories live. Discover now