Withered Leaves

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Name: Withered Leaves

Lore: Same

About: A StarClan cat came one night to speak to the leader of GaleClan and they deliver a chilling message: "Until you snip the withered leaves off the trees, the darkness will devour everything and your kittens will never live to see their first sunrise."

Panicking, the leader began exiling cats that had injuries, disabilities. Elders who could not serve the clans anymore.

Shadecreek was one of the first cats the leader exiled. He was half-blind, however, still served the clan to the best of his ability.

The exiled cats slowly began to form a group of their own, called The Ascending Darkness.

Soon, the situation became out of control as the leader began exiling cats for petty reasons such as, he didn't jump far enough and missed catching that mouse, or that medicine cat apprentice accidentally placed a herb in the wrong place.

 Shadecreek knew that this was not the GaleClan he had always known.

Once the leader's mate, Irisflight, was expecting kits, Boulderstar became even more frantic, the prophecy becoming louder and louder every night and began exiling cats who even went outside of camp at night to drink or go to the dirt-place.

Later, when nearly half the clan was put into exile, The Ascending Darkness broke into war with GaleClan, and them succeeding, fulfilling the prophecy of the darkness devouring everything.

A/N: If you are using this plot, I would appreciate it if you do two POVs, the first being the leader and the second being Shadecreek.

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jaggedwingauthor16, here's your cover!

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