Chapter 16

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Ava's P.O.V

I woke up with an arm draped over my waist. I still had my dress on and there was no sign of anything inappropriate happening last night, but I wasn't in my room. I looked around and I sighed in relief when I noticed I was just in Luke and Beau's room. I didn't know if I should go into my room, due to what had happened the previous night, but I had to get my shit together since we'd be leaving for Australia later tonight. Luke was still sleeping so I tried to wriggle out of his grip but I couldn't. I tried again and this time he groaned and said, "What are you doing? It's too early." I chuckled and said, "Actually Luke, it's late already and we need to get our shit together because we're leaving tonight remember? Do you have all your stuff re-" I didn't finish because he quickly got up saying, "Shit. Beau! Wake the fuck up! We're leaving and look at this mess!"

Beau sat up and rubbed his eyes, while yawning. "What?" Luke was busy throwing everything inside his suitcase to answer Beau. "We're leaving today, remember?" His eyes widened and he immediately got up and began running around. I started laughing and was enjoying seeing Luke and Beau freaked out, but I was going to be like them if I didn't hurry so I had to leave. I took a deep breath and got my key. I opened the door and saw Jai with clothes on and packing up his suitcase. I looked around and no Ariana. Perfect. I needed to talk to Jai.

"Jai, we need to talk. Look I'm really sorry about what I did yester-" I was cut off by another voice.

"Babe, I'm done. Let's g-" It was Ariana and she stopped talking once she saw me. "Oh. Hi Ava." She gave me a smile and I ignored her, walking to the bathroom to get my stuff. I only had a few clothes so I quickly packed those up and the shoes I had and carried my luggage to Luke and Beau's room, completely ignoring Jai and Ariana as I walked by them since they were also outside already.

Once Luke and Beau were done, we all went outside and put our luggage in the car. Turns out the boys already had a car since they were moving here and that's the car that we used to drive to the airport. Sadly, Ariana had to come with us. I really needed to talk to Jai, but she was getting in the way. Ronnie and James sat in the front. I sat in the middle with Jai and Luke. I don't know why but Ariana had to sit with Beau and Daniel in the back. Everything was going fine but that soon ended when 'See You Again' came on. It was the version without Whiz meaning the song that got to me. The only one that knew how much I hated that song was Jai.

'How do I breathe without you

I'm feeling so cold

I'll be waiting right here for you

Till the day you're home'

Those are the lyrics that got to me because I knew she was never going to come back. My eyes got watery and the tears slipped. I just put my head down because I didn't want it to seem like I was just doing it for the attention. I guess Ariana saw or something because she muttered something like, 'attention seeking bitch' or so. I ignored her comment but the tears kept falling down. Just remembering her, hurt. Suddenly I felt my back being rubbed. I looked up and it was Jai. He looked down at me and gave me a small smile. I gave him a small smile back and leaned my head against the window. We arrived at the airport and we all got out. Ariana was suddenly being even more bitchy because she kept hugging Jai and would be all up on his face. Those feelings that I had felt came back and suddenly I just wanted to smash her face against the wall. It pissed me off just to see her with him which meant one thing. I was jealous.

And no, not just because I was his best friend or anything. Yes, I Ava Edwards like my best friend Jai Brooks. And it sucks because he's with Ariana Grande and he would never see me as more than a friend. I know what you're probably thinking. 'Wow she finally figured out she likes him!" Well the thing is I already had a feeling I knew about those feelings, but I didn't want to ruin our friendship so I chose to ignore it but now I can't because I just admitted to it.

It really hurts seeing your best friend, well the boy you like with somebody else. We were just sitting down waiting to be called since we were't hungry and Ariana was literally straddling Jai. To be honest, Jai looked sick like he was trying to push her off him but she wouldn't budge. And every time she'd shove her tongue down his threat, she would look at me and raise her eyebrows as if smirking. I would just look away and lean my head on Beau's shoulder. It got pretty sickening and annoying that I actually growled and Beau heard me.

"Hey, ignore her. She's being a slut."I chuckled at his words but nodded my head. I got serious and turned to face him. "Beau, can I tell you something?" He looked at me and nodded his head. "I- I think I like um... Jai" His eyes widened and he put his hand over his mouth. "Fuck. I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't because we're friends and all but like-"

"No, it's not that. It's just that... OMG! AVA! YOU LIKE J-" I clapped mu hand over his mouth and everybody looked at us. I ignored them and turned back to Beau. "Beau! Wtf! I didn't tell you so you could tell the whole world!!! Plus, he's with Ariana..." He looked at me and smiled. I was about to ask him why he was smiling, but our flight was announced meaning we had to leave. I held my breathe in order not to gag because I knew that Ariana would probably just jump on Jai.

We all stood up waiting for them to say goodbye and kiss, but that's not what happened. Instead, this is exactly what happened:

Ariana leaned in for a kiss, but Jai dodged her and she frowned.

A: "What's wrong baby?"

J:"Ariana, I don't like you. I like somebody else and I'm sorry but we're over."

She stood there dumbfounded and it took all I had in me, not to burst out laughing. The thing is my heart broke a little. He liked somebody else.

A.N Hey guys! Hope you guys like the chapter! Ily guys and byeeee.

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