Chapter 36

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Ava's P.O.V

The doors open and I walk with Beau by my side. I smile as I see Charlie standing there with a huge smile on his face as well. I couldn't break his heart like that. And it wasn't like I didn't feel that way towards him. I did. Really. Jai was just another chapter in my life. He was the past and Charlie was my future. When we finally reached the altar, Beau let me go after whispering, "Don't hurt her." Charlie chuckled nervously but nodded his head. "I love you sissy." I smiled and Beau walked to his seat. I looked at Charlie and he mouthed 'you look hot'. I chuckled and shook my head. The father continued and soon we proceeded with our vows. Charlie coughed and looked nervously at me. I smiled and he continued.

"I Charlie, vow to love you forever until the end. I promise to challenge you, as well as accept your challenges. I promise to be the best husband for you and be your biggest fan. I promise to love you in good and in bad. I may not be your first date, your first love, or even your first kiss, but I just want to be your last everything." I smiled when he finished and the father asked the question.

"Do you, Charlie, vow to take Ava as your lawful wife?" Charlie looked at me and smiled while saying, "I do." He slid the ring in my finger and I smiled. It was my turn now.

"I Ava, vow to take you as my husband and love you through the good and the bad. I vow to fiercely love you in all your forms, now and forever. I promise to never forget that this is a once in a lifetime love. I promise you, I'll be there for you like you were for me. I promise to be the best for you."

I saw Charlie smile and I was happy. "Do you, Ava, vow to take Charlie as your lawful husband?" I looked at Charlie and smiled. This was it. "I do." I slid the ring in his finger and everyone erupted into clapping and cheering. "You may now kiss the bride."

Charlie leaned in and connected our lips. I was happy, and I do still love Jai, but as a best friend. We were never really meant to be together. We were supposed to end as just friends. I was happy though, that's for sure. Charlie and I. I liked the sound of that.

Jai's P.O.V

She was gone. He took her away from me.

No, you did. You pushed her away.

I was right. It was me, I couldn't blame Charlie and even if I could, that wouldn't bring her back to me. I screwed up, real bad. I lost her. Once those two words came out of her mouth, she was gone. I left before they kissed, but when everybody cheered, I couldn't help it and turned around. They were kissing. She was glowing, something that didn't even happen when she was with me. She was happy with him, and for once I felt happy. I was happy that she was happy, yet the tears were uncontrollable. I turned back around and faced the world with tears streaming down my face. I couldn't help it, I loved her.

No, I love her.

The End...

A.N Hey guys!!! OML it's the end !!! Wow, I'm so happy with this book. She didn't end up with Jai, but I mean life isn't a fairytale. Your best friend isn't always meant to be your soul mate. Now, I was thinking of doing an alternative ending, but it turns out I'm fine with this ending so I'll leave it at that. Do you guys want an epilogue though? I'm not sure about that but leave comments and I'll write one. Well guys, I guess this is goodbye unless you guys want an epilogue. But I need comments. Well it was great writing this story, and expect a new one coming soon. I'm happy and grateful for the people who gave this story a chance, and yeah, I LOVE YOU GUYS !!!!!


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