Chapter 28

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Ava's P.O.V

"I-I I have to go." I looked at him confused and said, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I have to go out of L.A. Very far." Now I understood him. "Are you breaking up with me?" He shook his head and said, "I don't have a choice."

"Why?" Why was he leaving just out of the blue? His eyes got watery again and said, "My dad died, my family isn't exactly rich so I have to go to Texas for a while to help them." I nodded my head and sat next to him, it wasn't his fault. "What about the crew?" He shrugged and said, "Well they won't be seeing me for a long time either." I nodded my head once again, not knowing what to say.

"I love you." Those words made me freeze and I didn't know how to respond, but he continued. "I'm sorry for leaving just like that, but I have to." I shook my head and said, "Hey, hey, hey. It's not your fault. When do you leave?"

"Tomorrow, my flight's at 10." I nodded my head and said, "Can you stay with me tonight? The last time?" I sounded shy, that it made me feel pathetic. He looked at me and said,"Really?" I nodded my head and he smiled. "Of course I will." I smiled and led him upstairs. I turned the t.v on and we just watched movies, and cuddled. We were both drifting off to sleep, so I turned the t.v off. "Goodnight Justin." "Goodnight Ava." He gave me a kiss on the forehead and I smiled.

I woke up as I heard the front door close. I looked at the clock and it was 8:00.

Who would leave that early? Not Zoe, that's for sure...Justin! His flight! He was leaving without a goodbye? I quickly rushed outside and made it just in time to see Justin getting in his car. "Justin!" He turned around and gave me a sad smile. "You were leaving without a goodbye?" He shook his head and said, "I hate goodbye's." I just hugged him and said, "Justin?" "What?" "I- I love you, too." He pulled back and smiled. "I love you, too." He gave me a kiss and I smiled.

I walked back into the house with no smile on my face. I can't believe he left. I went back to my room since it was early, and tried to fall back asleep, but I couldn't.

A: Hey Caleb?

C: Hey Ava, what's up?

A: I can't be in the dance crew anymore, I'm sorry

C: Justin?

A: Yeah, I- I just, I can't. I'm sorry.

C: It's ok, thanks for the heads up, Bye Ava.

A: Bye Caleb

It was barely 8:30. 30 minutes since he left. I got up and showered. I changed into some Nike leggings, a Nike sports bra and my Nike black running shoes. I grabbed my Beats and my phone. I walked out of the house and began running. I was just listening to music and running and running. This time I looked both sides before crossing the street. I checked the time and it was 10. I only ran an hour and 30 minutes. I ran back home and it was 11:30. As I neared the driveway, I saw the boys' car. I walked in and only the Brooks brothers were there. Including Jai. They were all in tuxes and I wondered why they were here so early? Oh right! Andrea's memorial started at 12! I quickly rushed upstairs, took a 5 minute shower, dried my hair, curled it in under 15 minutes and changed into my black dress. I slipped on my black heels and did my make-up. I was ready. I walked downstairs and grabbed the flowers, then walked to the living room. Everybody looked up at me and I mustered up a fake smile. This was not starting off good. First Justin leaves, then this. Not to mention, I have to do my dad's.

They got up and I was still surprised that the boys were wearing tuxedos. I never thought I'd see the day where they dress fancy. We decided to leave in the boys' car. Beau knew about my fight with Jai so he made me sit right next to him. He just leaned his head on the window and I talked to Luke a bit. We arrived to the church where the prayers would take place. We got out of the car and walked in. I took a deep breathe so the tears wouldn't come out. We sat down and it was literally only us. The priest was already there and when he saw us he gave me a sad smile. He began and the tears came out. Luke hugged me and I gave him a sad smile. When the priest was done, I put the flowers in a little vase thing and thanked him for doing this. He said it wasn't a problem and said that he was sorry for my loss. I nodded my head and gave him a sad smile. We drove back to the house and I just kept thinking about Justin and my sister. I needed to go out. We were all sitting in the couch and I just said, "Let's go out." Beau looked at me and said, "No." I furrowed my eyebrows and said, "Why?" He shook his head and said, "Because Ava, I don't think it's a good idea." I frowned and said, "Please, Justin left me and so did Andrea. Please, I need to forget everything that happened today for just a few hours." He furrowed his eyebrows and said, "Justin left you?" I nodded my head, feeling the tears. "His dad died so he had to go back to Texas and ugh. Please Beau." He looked at the guys and said, "Fine." I gave him a weak smile and went to my room to touch up my make-up and my hair. I needed to get drunk today. I don't care that I'm 18 years old.

We arrived at the club and I immediately went to the bar. I got a shot of vodka and drank it in one gulp. I ordered another one and was about to drink it when I felt a hand on my arm. I turned around and it was Jai. "Slow down, Ava. I don't want you to get hurt." I laughed humorlessly and said, "YOU don't want me to get hurt? Okay, yeah." I turned to drink the shot but his voice stopped me, again. "Ava, I'm serious. I don't want you to get hurt." I turned around again and said, "It's too late for that." I walked away and drank my shot. I ordered another one and drank it in a gulp. Okay, that was enough shots. Those things are strong. I ordered a regular beer and just drank it. A guy came up to me and smiled. He was cute and I was drunk by now. Not a good mix. "Wanna dance?" I nodded my head and followed him to the dance floor. We danced and suddenly, he started kissing me. I kissed back but I didn't like it. I tried to push him off me, but he wouldn't budge. I was really struggling. I was about to kick him where the sun doesn't shine, but he was pulled off me by Jai. Jai threw him off me and said, "Scram!" The guys walked away with an angry face and I turned to Jai and said, "Thank you, thank you Jai!" I gave him a hug and he was surprised. "Ava, let's go." I frowned and said, "But why?" He simply carried me and we left. We arrived at my house and I felt like throwing up.

A.N Hey guys! How ya doin'? Well I hope you guys like it and yeah. Ily guys, thanks, and byeeeee. <3 Remember to VOTE & COMMENT PLEASE!!! :(

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