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Days later, Lily was still on edge about what Nate had to say about Fez. She knew he was lying to her. She trusted Lexi with her life and she knew Lexi wouldn't lie to her. Cassie on the other hand..well that was a different story. However, she didn't really have time to think about Nate and Fez, because she was standing with them and her sister at the local bowling alley. It was Lexi's idea to finally interrogate Nate. Lexi had a funny way of explaining herself when she asked Lily to come with her. She wanted to finally 'get to know' Nate, but Lily knew her sister more than she knew herself at times. Lexi had a mission and Fez was her sidekick.

All four of them were waiting in line to pay for their time slot. In this moment, Lily felt Nate's hand lightly brush against hers like he was trying to hold her hand, but resisting. Lily immediately thought about if this resistance was because of Lexi standing right in front of them. Or was he embarrassed by it?

'You alright?' Nate mouthed down to her with a smile

Lily nodded back and placed her hand in his. She immediately felt at ease and truly believed this was what having a boyfriend felt like. Even though Nate and her were not officially together yet, it felt like they were. Which was a crazy thought for her. She couldn't believe that one of the main things that were giving her happiness was someone she hated last year. She thought he was just a dick, but now she wanted nothing more than to be with him.

Nate had let go of her hand when he was taking the receipt from the worker (who looked no younger than 11). Lily laughed this off and wondered how young the 'job age requirements' were becoming. The four of them made their way to their assigned bowling alley and began their game. Lily went first and completely fucked it up. Her bowling ball was immediately traveling down the gutter.

'Damn Lily' Fez laughed, 'You nearly had it'

She wasn't even close to 'having it'. 

Fezco laughed his way up to Lily and offered to show her how to not get her bowl in the gutter. She smiled at his gesture and looked at Nate and Lexi. They were sitting next to each other with smiles on their faces. Lily loved seeing them together and it seemed like Lexi wasn't trying her best to ask him a million questions.

However, Lily had turned her back on them and Nate had gotten to Lexi's plan before her.

'Hey look' Nate started, 'I know you don't like me'

'Who said that?' Lexi asked

Nate furrowed his eyebrows in amusement, 'I can tell'

Lexi simply laughed his comment off awkwardly.

'I really like Lily' Nate explained, 'She is really unexpected, but the best she's the best thing to ever happen in my life. I'm not here to hurt her'

Lexi was taken back by his comments and his clear declaration of love for her sister. She smiled at him for a second, but there was still something wrong in the pit of her stomach. Was it really Nate she was worried about? Or was it the Jacob's family in general?

'I'm glad to hear that' Lexi smiled

But the smile was a wary one. It always was when it came to her sisters.


They had finally finished the game of bowling (which Fez won by a long shot) and headed back into Nate's car. Lily was sitting comfortably in the front seat when she noticed a load of cash sitting in his front compartment.

'Damn Jacobs' Fez commented, 'What's with all the cash?'

Nate was startled by his question and quickly closed over the compartment.

'It's just some money from a job I did with my dad' Nate responded

'How much is that?' Lexi asked with widen eyes

'It's about $300' Nate said with a shrug

'I didn't know you worked with your dad' Lily questioned him as she looked directly at his burning cheeks

'It's nothing' Nate said quickly, 'It was a couple of weeks ago'

Just between her and Nate, there was something wrong in the air. Lily knew that Fez and Lexi had dropped the conversation from their obvious innocent flirting in the backseat. But Lily was still in the conversation in her mind.

Why did he keep lying to her? But Nate wouldn't keep lying about the small things. Lily kept her head down until they were dropped off to her house. 

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