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'Are you going to get out of bed anytime soon?' Cassie asked Lily with a slightly judgy tone

Lily was crawled up under her blanket with yesterday's dinner plate on the ground. The thing was...it wasn't like she was unaware of how she was acting, but she also didn't really care. In the same moment, Cassie had walked into their shared bathroom and didn't let Lily reply. 

'How's your play going?' Lily asked towards Lexi, who also happened to be in her bed writing on her laptop

'I'm basically done' Lexi commented, 'The play is this weekend. Did you forget?'

Yes she did.

'No of course not' Lily lied, 'I just thought you would add things...I don't know much about productions'

Lexi simply laughed at her sister lying, 'You think I do? I'm really winging this'

Lily could notice her sister sinking into her bed with a worried expression. She sighed slightly and made her way to her sister's side of the room.

'What's up?' Lily asked, sitting on the edge of Lexi's bed, 'Are you worried it's not good enough?'

Lexi's play being good enough was not even a question. Lexi knew it was good enough and she always trusted her own writing abilities. It was the content of the play that worried her the most.

'It's nothing' Lexi said, 'I know it's good. I'm just nervous'

'Nervous?' Lily asked, 'Since when do you get nervous?'

Lexi decided to shake off the conversation, 'Don't worry about it... I wonder who is going to come. It's an open play so anyone can come' 

'I mean I'm sure a lot of people will want to see it' Lily commented, 'I'll be there'

'I know' Lexi trailed off, 'Do you think Fez will come?'

'Why wouldn't he come?' Lily asked furrowing her eyebrows, 'You heard Rue the other day...I think he may like you'

Lexi again, shook off the possibility of Fezco liking her back, 'I just hope it goes well and everyone comes'

Lily nodded and said with a soft smile, 'You've got this'

There was a second of silence before Lily spoke up again, 'Do you think Nate will come?'

'I hope not' Lexi scoffed, 'I really couldn't handle that and I don't want you to be worried about that'

But she was worried. Lily worried about him every single day and everyone knew it.

Lexi watched her sister's reaction to Nate's name. She knew that Lily was nowhere near over Nate Jacobs. So she decided to change the subject.

'Did you know that Jessica and Josh broke up?' Lexi grinned, 'karma I say'

'I didn't know they broke up' Lily commented, 'Who told you?'

'One of Jessica's friends' Lexi trailed on, 'I overheard her talking about it'

'Well damn' Lily muttered under her breath

Lexi just shrugged her shoulders in response, but she made sure to add, 'That's what they get for messing with you'


Midnight was drifting closer as Lily was still wide awake. She was laying on her bed with a blank stare towards Lexi, who happened to also be awake on her laptop once again. At that point, Lexi didn't know she was awake, so she decided to move towards her sister again.

'Jesus' Lexi said as she closed her computer slightly, 'I didn't know you were awake'

'I can't sleep' Lily said simply 

all too well/ nate jacobsWhere stories live. Discover now