Fear me!

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The moment I opened my eyes, I let go of the light. It was the last thing that could save me. Not only did I let go but the moment I did, a light enveloped me for a moment until my blod hair just went dark, the wings, I had with white feathers were no more and instead I got black feathers. I could see them clearly as they were out showing the world who I was. 

There was no warmth anymore all I could feel was coldness of the dark. Still it was the only thing that kept me alive. So the moment I let go of the light atribute of my quirk meaning, when I died, I gained the dark attribute and it felt different.

Me: I'm fucking coming for you bastard.

My mind wasn't in a good state as I felt mad at myself for trusting in an villain this easily but also for not realizing the trap sooner. I felt betrayed but also soo stupid at the same time.

Hawks: HUH?!

The moment I spread my wings and turned around as well as picked up hights again, I could see the heroes dumb faces. They for sure didn't expected this. Oh and if this boy wasn't dead he sure will be soon. However that wasn't my problem at all. Like why should I care when I went ahead and killed him to begin with.

I made the decision and no one else did that for me.

Now with the heroes in front of me, I started hovering in the air since I had one last message for them. They wanted AfO to pay for what he did and I wanted to make him suffer for crossing me. It was his own stupid fault.

Me: Listen up you heroes, AfO is my next victim. Do not cross my path and do not stop me!

Endeavor: How do you think you will be able to get him?

Me: Oh watch and learn!

That was all I said before dropping straight down. Hawks was right beneath me but I didn't care and the way and the speed I was falling, he was sure surprise and no wonders there.

Really how would you react if anyone was about to drop above you?

Stay there and try to catch them?

Oh don't be ridiculous!

That doesn't work of course, at all!

So in the end there was no other way for Hawks but to jump back the second I was too close for him. It was that moment that the shadow beneath him got larger for a split second and it was that second that I activated my quirk out of instinct.

The floor beneath him got blacker and larger as if it was trying to eat me alive. There was no way anyone could survive this fall but me of course!

I not only survived but made a direct passage way to wherever AfO was. The moment I got out of the portal was the moment I heard him talk to a recorder.

Of course who doesn't know AfO and his talks after an assassination attempt failed?

The problem was he wasn't alone in the room and I was also a lot quicker than anyone since darkness was my friend and I was standing in this mans shadow.

AfO: Hahaha you lost.

Me(whispering) : You're next.

I went to his shoulders and leaned over as my wings were spread appart. Everyone could see them and everyone could see me in the TV right now. It wasn't as simple as just being there but me getting close to him without the man of power noticing at all.

Such an idiot!

Did he really think that I wouldn't be able to get to him?

Did he thought I didn't had a way out?

I am not that foolish!

I would never trust a villain completely!

Of course I always have a plan B.

This is mine.

I am going after you and I will enjoy the chase!

AfO: Huh?

I may lost my light abilities and my weapons made out of light but I didn't lose hope nor sanity or my life. This wasn't the end for me but a beginning and so I smiled wickedly at the camera while I had my sharp feather pointed at the mans neck.

One would say this is impossible but it wasn't as my wings were agile and of course I could hug myself with them like anyone with wings can do. While all I need was a hugging motion I tensed up my wings making them sharp and cutting the mans skin.

Me: I warned you not to get on my bed side.

AfO: You survived. Congrats but this will be your end.

Me: Oh I doubt that!

There wasn't any way that the man could move at all but he certainly could use his quirk and I knew this too well. There was also the thing that I wanted to make this hunt last for quite a bit. I wanted to have my fun too.

He toyed and played with me till I was useless and then threw me away. Oh how much he will regret doing this.

Me: I will come again~ I will always find you!

That was all I said before jumping away just in the nick of time and licking my feather with his blood. I was vlose to a hound and there was no way that I would let him escape me ever again.

Me: You've been markt! I can hide but not run! Hahahahahahaha

Just like that I vanishes from the side leaving him alone while also getting away because what I needed now was rest more than anything else. The darkness was still soo new too me. This was how I basically got back where the fight between me and Midoriya ended. There was still something I wanted to check first before vanishing from the heroes sight completely.

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