7: The fourth Tool

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Gwendolyn Burgess was the very last in line of her family to be still alive after all those years.

She had inherited quite a fortune, to be exact, enough to restore the creepy mansion her great great grandfather had left her.

Enough to paint the lifeless walls in shining colours, rid the floors from dust, put some pictures on and redecorate the many rooms in which no one had spent much time in.

She didn't exactly know what her father had really done in these rooms, making up some silly theories about him being a member of a secret society - little did she know that this assumption was actually quite true.

Little did she know about the Grimoire, the spell book Roderick had used to conjure Death herself, instead having trapped another one of the Endless in his cellar for quite a long time.

Little did she know about Morpheus, the King of Dreams and the Sandman himself, desperately searching for his belongings which Roderick had taken from him during his imprisonment.

Little did she know that Morpheus was already looking for her to retrieve his most powerful possession - and her most beloved inheritance Roderick had ever passed on to his great granddaughter.

The Dream Lord was searching for his violin which was in Gwendolyns hands now...she had never seen such beauty in a musical instrument like that before.

And yet, this violin only had waited for her to be played, to be tamed, to be understood.

A dream which had finally come true.


"Are you sure you want to do this, my Lord?", Lucienne asked, a worried gaze resting on her face.

"You're still weakened from all the recent events, you really need some rest. Don't you understand? If you don't, who's going to watch over the people in the Waking World? They need you - "

Morpheus clenched his fists, slowly getting back on his feet.

The debris around him didn't move an inch, his palace still wounded from his long absence.

And so are all his creations, scattered across, with no intention to ever return again - but now, their faithful King has made his decision.

"I won't let them getting away with my tools, Lucienne!", Morpheus snapped, his dark eyes glowing with rage.

"You don't know how much I've lost, you don't know what I've been through...a 100 years just don't pass like nothing, Lucienne. I have to get my tools back, even if it's only the violin. And it's not just any violin. It's the Violin of Creation. When I first made this realm, where it all started. And I bet you would love to see me playing again!"

His angry voice weakened a bit, his angry gaze changing to oncoming sadness.

Lucienne sighed, she could understand her master as she had always done.

But still, it was too dangerous for him, going back to the Waking World and risking to get captured one more time - on the other hand, this realm had been made through music.

He had made this music, with his beloved violin and its wonderful melodies still playing deep inside her head.

And if her King didn't get it back, all of this would go extinct in no time - not just this kingdom, all his creations too.

Maybe even Morpheus himself would vanish, not ever returning again and serving humanity as it was his destiny, had been since his birth.

Lucienne just couldn't let that happen, not for the Waking World, not for him, not for anyone walking this realm.

She would make sure her master would be safe during his mission, whatever the cost.

"My Lord!", the librarian responded, smiling warmly.

"If you insist so deeply on going to the Waking World, then I won't stop you. Besides, your music is the most beautiful thing my ears have ever heard. Just promise me one thing - take care of yourself!"

Morpheus couldn't help himself but pulling Lucienne into a tight embrace, something he had never done before.

But for now, they might needed it both.

"I promise, Lucienne!", he whispered under his breath, tears of joy filling his eyes.

"And once I get my violin back, I'll play as I've never played before!"

The librarian grinned:

"I never thought otherwise, my Lord. Off you go, then. Good Luck!"

Her King nodded, then reaching into his pocket.

He had just the right amount of sand left, enough to take him to the Waking World and back - what could possibly go wrong?

A few seconds later, Morpheus disappeared in a whirling storm, off to find his long lost tools.

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