Chapter 23: Accident

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You and Chan have been working hard on the project that u guys are given as well as the other students but the only difference is that in your project, you are the one giving all the ideas while he just nods and writes it down

It doesn't help that you have to teach him other subjects as well. Yesterday was a test day so you guys didn't worked on the project but focused on the test.

You were super surprised when you heard Chan's name and he got 13 out of 20. It's not good but not bad considering that he used to get a 4 or 3

"Y/n" the teacher called you and you turned around to see her with Chan

"I saw a huge improvement in Chan and I know you helped him alot, so thank you for accepting my request" she sweetly smiled at you "it's not all me but he worked hard as well" you pointed to Chan

You were not lying it's just that you were not telling the whole struggle you went through to get him to study

"I know, Chan make sure to treat her for the hardwork she put in" Chan gave her a little smile and you were excited to see what he treats you with

The teacher left and a second later all the boys joined to congratulate him on improvement. You and Soo-Ah were about to leave to the Cafeteria when you heard your name.

"What do you want?"
"Why would I want anything?" You replied
"The teacher said"
"I don't want anything, treat the boys instead"

All of them erupted into squeals, thanking you for making him pay for their food "I want a treat tooooo" Soo-Ah looked at him with puppy eyes to which he sighed and started walking to the cafeteria

"Is that a yes?" She asked "doesn't matter, he didn't reply means he doesn't have a problem with it" Felix said and y'all went to the cafeteria where Tae and Jaehyun were already waiting


"Should we resume the project?" Chan asked on your way out of the school while everyone else is talking about something else

"I don't wanna go to the library" you answered cause you were tired "it's not like you do anything" you mumbled

"You never tell me to" Chan said and you realized he heard you "let's skip today" you said but he refused

"I will be busy in the upcoming days so it's better if we finish it soon" you groaned upon hearing that but you had no choice

"Can you......" he looked at you when you stoped talking mid sentence
"can I what?"
"Can you....ummmm...come to my house?" you wanted to hit your face so bad

"Uhhh....." Chan trailed "it's okay if you can't-"
"Time?" He asked and you looked at him and told the time before Soo-Ah dragged you between hyunjin and Minho since the two were not agreeing on something with her


You were sitting on the couch, extremely tired and wanting to sleep but you have to work with Chan so you didn't sleep

After a while someone rang the doorbell and you went to open the door and it was Chan

"come in" you said and he did, making his way to the couch while taking in the interior again

"You are looking around as if it's your first time here" he just shrugged and started taking out his stuff

"Lemme bring my stuff too" you said and went to your room

Bangchan's POV:

I still don't know why Jungkook told me not to say anything to y/n or anyone else but was so determined to tell me


"Here Chan" jungkook waved at me and I went to him "so what happened?" I asked and he looked offended

"U r not gonna ask me how I am?"
"Well then I am going" I turned to leave but he stopped me and we sat on the bleachers

"Look, I don't know for sure if it was a pre-planned one but I think it is" he said sounding all serious now

"And why exactly do you think it was pre-planned?" I asked and he turned to me to tell the whole story

"I was riding down the lane when I got a call so I stopped at a corner to talk to someone, but when I finished the call I saw two guys on each side of the road infront of me, hiding behind a bush holding something sharp in their hands which I think was that thing police uses to stop speeding or wrong way cars. I didn't know what to do so I pretended that I saw nothing but I think they saw me and one of the mans made a run towards me so I turned my bike and sped off, thankfully my bike engine was still on for me to get away that fast"

He finished but I was still confused "it could be that they were robbers who wanted to rob people and you were their first target?" I stated my opinion and he replied

"I would believe it but I heard one of em saying 'when will this Jungkook guy come?'" now it made sense why he thought what he did

"But why call me?" I asked "I don't know but you looked the most responsible and sensible out of all of em and I don't want to tell my hyungs about anything untill it's clear"

"You want me to do something?"
"No, it's just that I want you to keep an eye out for anything suspicious around all of the guys and Y/N and I know you are the only one I can trust" he looked at me with a smile and I nodded giving him the assurance that I will

"Now that you mention it, I have felt y/n looking back and forth when we are all together sometimes" I honestly said what I noticed

"Why? Did you saw someone?" He asked and I looked at him
"I didn't saw anyone but I not completely sure as well"

We both went silent after that and then returned to our classes after sometime


"you there?" I heard y/n calling me while waving a hand infront of my face

"what is wrong with you?" She shook her head and sat down next to me to discuss the project

"You look tired" I told her the fact and she nodded "I am" she replied and sighed again

"Let's end this quickly" with that she started blabbering some Ideas, again not letting me tell anything


I will try to update as often as possible and I am sorry for keeping yall waiting for so long😔 but hey! I will try

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