Chapter 29: Stars

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Author's POV:

It's been 10 days since you were in the hospital and finally were feeling alot of better to get up on your feet and talk with your friends

You insisted on going to school making excuses like you were bored or missed school when in reality you just wanted to confront them both and find out what made them go this far because it definitely was something more than just the story we all know

After begging Soo-Ah and Tae for the past 24 hours they allowed you to go to school with them but made you promise that you will take atleast one person with you wherever you go

You had no choice but to agree so you did and now you were waiting to get discharged which the doctor said that you can by tomorrow

You were lazily scrolling through your phone when someone entered your room but you didn't budge cause you were used to it by now as they was always someone coming in and out of the room

The person came and sat on the couch in the room and sighed. You still didn't look up but you did once that person spoke "so how is your health now?"

"It's better, I am getting discharged tomorrow" you answered Chan "yeah I heard". The atmosphere got a little awkward as none of you were talking

"Uhmm why are you here alone?" You asked him "oh actually the others went to basketball practice and the rest had classes"
"Then why aren't you at the practice?" You questioned because he isn't the type to visit because he wanted to

"Tae-hyung was coming here skipping his practice but the coach told him that I have off so I can go here so I did" you nodded at his explanation and rested on the headboard bored as ever

Chan was sitting not knowing what to do so he just took out his phone but right then you stood up and started walking towards the door

"Wait where are you going?" He asked making you face him "idk I feel suffocated and bored here" you said and Chan stood up

"I will go with you" you sighed, you knew you can't say anything because they are tae's orders and he has nothing to do with it

You took a few rounds around the hospital greeting everyone in your way while Chan was following behind making sure that you are okay

After awhile you suddenly turned around and started walking towards the other direction and as soon as you passed Chan he turned around and held your wrist making your steps come to a halt

"Where are you going?" He asked "to the roof" with that you released your wrist and went towards the elevator waiting for it to stop after pressing the button

Chan helplessly followed you and you both went inside the elevator once it stopped and pressed the button to the top floor

"Is it even allowed?" Chan questioned you while the elevator was going up "I don't know" you replied "you should've asked someone" he sighed sounding like an old man

"I don't care" you said and went towards the door of the roof as soon as the elevator's door opened

Chan was confused as to how you have so much energy when he got a call from Felix as he stepped out of the elevator. He picked it up and told him about his whereabouts and after the call ended he went towards the roof trying to find you because you were no where in sight

He swung open the door to the roof and looked for you only to find you on  the edge of the roof staring up at the stars

He slowly walked closer to you also looking up trying to see what you are so invested in but then he heard your voice talking to yourself

"I never thought I would come back here after that day" your words felt heavy and a sigh escaped your mouth making Chan confused on what you are talking about

He wanted to take this moment as a chance to maybe getting to hear your past but he decided against it because it didn't felt right to him at that moment

You heard someone clearing their voice behind you and you turned around to see him coming beside you and looking at the stars with you

"What are you looking for in the stars?" He asked facing you making the corner of your lips raise a little with a sad smile

"I don't who am I looking for but I know that they are there and hopefully in a better place" you honestly replied making chan confused but he didn't question you

"Then why are you looking for them?" He asked again "because they were someone's family too and the reason why I changed"

Chan was now fully focused on your expressions which showed nothing but sadness and he felt like he was seeing his reflection

For the first time in years he saw someone with the same pain and sadness he felt when he was a kid, your expressions spoke to him and he couldn't help but feel at ease to be with someone with a similar story to his

You felt him staring at you but you didn't do anything instead just stared at the beautiful nightsky with shining stars scattered all over it

"Maybe I will find them in the stars too someday" you heard him speak and now u looked at him and for the first time you felt bad for him because it looked like he has been suffering alone too

You couldn't help but notice his glistening eyes and the way his facial features were defined from the moonlight, the little sad smile lingering on his plump lips and the little bit of hope in his eyes for something you wish you knew

You would've stared longer when he made eye contact with you and it felt like both of your worlds came to a halt

Two people from different places who grew up in different ways who knew nothing about each other became friends who are suffering in their own way

Standing in the dark with Moonlight shining on them staring into each other's eyes speaking a thousand words without uttering one

Who knows what this journey might bring for them


Fierce eyes were looking at him and he didn't know what to do
"You told me that I can trust you with this and she is close with you"
Someone shouted at Daniel and he couldn't do anything but to listen

"I-I....I tri-ed everything b-but her new friends ruin everything" he looked down and tightened his fists

"Who are they?" The Man infront of him demanded "t-they are s-some new students and one of them was her old friend so they are always together n-now"

"What about that other guy?" The man asked "Jungkook?" Daniel looked up for an answer but he got a glare from the man and he lowered his head

"T-that guy is a-also very close with her...him with other two saved her" he answered to the man and he leaned back on his chair

"She will definitely come crawling to us if her friends are in danger wouldn't she?" The Man evily smirked making daniel look up at him

"But you will involve them in this too this way and it can be dangerous" the man stood up and looked out the window "who says that they are actually going to be in danger huh?" He turned around to face a confused Daniel

"I don't want more useless peasants to mingle in my work, it's going to be a fun little prank on our precious y/n"
The man started laughing with no intensions of good in his heart

"She won't get away this time"

~To Be Continued~

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